Shakes fitness enthusiasts tend to often ask that they are better, hiperproteicos shakes or protein directly from animal origin? in my humble opinion it all depends on the point of view from which are analysed:

* cholesterol and fats: Smoothies are 28 GR just they have 1 fat and no cholesterol whatsoever, instead of 100 g of egg 10 gr of fat, approximately four or five times more than a milkshake therefore. Understanding that one of the main objectives of these fans of fitness is a lacking diet of lipids, milkshake would be a good solution. * quality protein: Although there are enough parameters to measure the quality they all agree to grant to the highest quality egg, followed by dairy products and meat without little differences among the latter. Usually the milkshakes are carried out based on whey protein of oats, of quality, but somewhat lower than the egg. My advice: 5 eggs a week are not harmful if takes a healthy diet and if you combine them with the milkshakes can be effective mu.

* vegetable: Unlike proteins of animal origin, the milkshakes are made as we have already mentioned with oats, therefore in case of being vegetarian is a good solution, as well as if it follows a low fat diet, which obliges exclude meat red.

* concentration: an egg weighs about 50-60 grams, i.e. for each egg we obtain 6.3 g proteins more or less, while a single dose of a normal shake will provide between 20-25 g of protein, times the quantity also matter.

Tags: proteins