Tau and iFloat Spain launch a website about infertility.

-in Spain, 15% of couples in reproductive age have fertility problems. The difficulties in conceiving a child have to do with both the man and the woman

-physical, emotional or psychological factors (such as stress) and other derivatives of the lifestyle (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, bad diet and lack of exercise) are the main causes of infertility

-the aim of the platform is to help men and women who want to be parents, by providing them with the information necessary to achieve conception

– there are nutritional supplements that help improve sperm quality and fertility and therefore increase chances of conceiving

Spain, January 2013.- are becoming more men and women who have trouble conceiving a child. In Spain, it is estimated that 15% of couples in reproductive age have fertility problems, and nearly a million demand assistance.

Contrary to what we could think, a problem of infertility, the difficulties to achieve a pregnancy come from both men and women.

Therefore, Sigma-Tau, with the collaboration of health iFloat Spain advertising agency, has launched the web platform www.queremosserpadres.es. A space designed with the aim of helping couples who want to have a child, orienting them and providing them with the information necessary to achieve conception.

The web has several sections in which the user can find information about infertility problems, their causes, the assisted reproduction techniques, as well as recommendations and tips to improve the childbearing health and increase the chances of conception. There is also a section of blog where users can access all post and share their experiences, testimonies and opinions.

This new platform presents a modern and dynamic design both that simple and accessible for all users. Furthermore, to achieve greater dissemination and help the greatest possible number of couples, want to be parents ” is also present on social networks with a profile on Facebook.

On average, a man who enjoys a good reproductive health, produces between 12 and 60 million sperm in each ejaculation, and totalling 400 million throughout his life. But when it comes to conception, is as important as the quality of the sperm quantity.

The main causes of infertility include physical factors (diseases, injuries), emotional or psychological (such as stress) and other derivatives of the lifestyle (such as the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, poor diet or lack of exercise) that can adversely affect the production of healthy sperm.

In this sense, there are supplements that can help improve sperm quality and fertility and therefore increase the chances of conception.


Sigma-Tau is one of the Italian largest pharmaceutical groups, with an extensive international presence and more than fifty years actively working to improve the quality of life and health of patients.

Sigma-Tau is present in advanced areas of research, maintaining permanent contact with prestigious scientific institutions to develop joint projects and perform original and innovative research projects.

Tau develops its activity in areas as diverse as Oncology, the so-called rare diseases, malaria and health self-care.

Tau Spain was born in 1973 in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of prescription drugs, hospital and products for self-care of health of last generation. Headquarters and production centre are located in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).