GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Launches NiQuitin, compressed with mint flavour that eliminate the anxiety of the smoker.

-most of the epidemiological studies indicate that it is usually between 45 and 64 years when they begin appearing manifestations of the impact of tobacco on health

– Although experts believe that willpower when it comes to leave it is key, smokers now can rely on NiQuitin, compressed to suck with Minty

-20% of the most common queries in pharmacies they are related to tobacco

-profile of withdrawal varies between 9 and 14 weeks

Madrid, January of 2013- 30% of Spaniards are smokers. Even though a large number of them marks the goal of cessation of tobacco, the objective is not easy. Of every 100 people who make a serious attempt to quit, only to get it between 6 and 10. However, if there is a diagnosis and follow-up with the doctor, can we talk of more than 40 people ”, says Dr. Juan Antonio Riesco, pulmonologist expert in smoking and Vice President of the Spanish society of Pneumology and thoracic surgery (SEPAR).

Dr. Riesco explains that many of them decide to try by tiredness, family pressure, increase in the price of tobacco or for other reasons, but there is also a profile of smoker that urge to leave it, fundamentally, by the impact of smoking on their health or family history of tumors, cardiovascular, respiratory problems, etc. ”

from left to right, Dr Juan Antonio Riesco, pulmonologist expert in smoking and Vice President of the Spanish society of Pneumology and thoracic surgery (SEPAR); Borja Sacristán, Wellness Manager of GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare; and Jesús Echarri, pharmaceutical.

Most of the epidemiological studies indicate that it is usually between 45 and 64 years when they begin appearing manifestations of the impact of tobacco on health and is an age range in which the smoker seriously arises the need to abandon the tobacco.

NiQuitin: compressed with Minty

Although experts have an impact on willpower when it comes to tobacco cessation is key, smokers can now lean in NiQuitin, suck Mint-flavored tablets that are suitable for people who have decided to quit and need an effective aid to combat the anxiety produced by the absence of nicotine ”, said Borja Sacristán, Manager Wellness de GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare.

regardless of age or sex, NiQuitin provides patient therapeutic nicotine doing that the brain does not demand this substance and avoiding the abstinence syndrome characterized by anxiety, moodiness, lack of concentration, problems of sleep, depression, etc. ”, affirms Sacristán.

Treatment with NiQuitin allows quick absorption of nicotine by the central nervous system and in one minutes begins to notice the effect that eliminates the need for smoking ”, clarifies Dr Riesco.

In addition, NiQuitin aims to give flexibility to the patients so that each one leaves tobacco at their pace, fighting the need for nicotine and replacing cigarette per Tablet NiQuitin ”, points Sacristán.

A multidisciplinary approach

In the process of smoking cessation, the pharmacist also plays an important role, since about 20% of the most common queries in pharmacies are tobacco-related. A figure which increases between December and February coinciding with new year’s resolutions. According to Jesús Echarri, pharmaceutical, every day can be seen in the pharmacy between 10 and 12 people who wish to quit smoking ”.
Patient trust in the pharmacist facilitates many times the treatment follow-up. For this reason, the role of the pharmacist is also key in the process of smoking cessation. From the pharmacy also we can track and feel an important commitment to the patients by the daily closeness that we have with them ”, explains Echarri.

Also, Dr. Riesco assures that you could be considered a treatment programmed using a number of tablets per day which will be reduced gradually but also can be booked any of these tablets for the moments of impulsiveness or like smoking.

Depending on the degree of each patient smoking there are 1 NiQuitin tablets, 5 mg and 4 mg for more dependent persons (more than 20 cigarettes daily smokers). In short, these tablets are intended to help mitigate the main factor of relapse when trying to quit smoking, withdrawal syndrome.

Reduce withdrawal

Profile of withdrawal varies between 9 and 14 weeks. However, the long-term treatment with NiQuitin is efficient. Smoking treatment is more effective if it is accompanied by various behavior along with drug treatment strategies.

Taking into account the importance that has the psychological factor and behavioral in smoking, each patient will go through the process of quitting in a completely different way ”, argues Sacristán. Tablets to NiQuitin lozenges are intended to give such flexibility to patients so that each one leaves tobacco at their pace, fighting the need for nicotine, replacing cigarette by one tablet of NiQuitin.

Nicotine is the component responsible for addiction tobacco. Inhale nicotine produce endorphins and this provides a pleasant feeling of well-being. In this sense, NiQuitin contains therapeutic nicotine that is absorbed gradually through the mucosa of the mouth. This nicotine provides the brain enough nicotine receptors not reacting demanding tobacco, and triggered anxiety harnessed to withdrawal.