Sodium sodium is a very important mineral for our organic, because it is involved in many functions of the same. But must not abuse him, because we would be at risk for cardiovascular disease. Why are advised to take special care with the salt in foods that take

There are many foods that have sodium and we do not know it, as it is the case with the margarine and butter, that they may have about 800 mg of sodium in 100 grams of product. We must be careful that the recommended daily intake should not exceed 2500 mg. if you suffer from high blood pressure must have a special caution with this type of food, because in addition to the fat in the butter and margarine, sodium is not an ally to keep under control the disease and its consequences on the heart

There are unknown sodium-rich foods that can affect the quality of the diet if we abuse them, that is why today clarified butter and margarine are concentrated sources of this mineral we consume with moderation.

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Tags: high blood pressure, food salt, sodium