Coordinated by Profa. Dra. Katia n. Ferrer, the course – recognized by the MCC/CFO – is performed based on the teachings of occlusion, ATM, orthognathic surgery and facial orthopedics.


the work philosophy is based on preparing the professional to the present day, providing a specialized knowledge with a broad approach in the field of orthodontics, passing through learning in the areas of occlusion, ATM, Functional Orthotics, anchoring with orthognathic surgery mini screws and



Local: Ṣo Leopoldo Mandic РṢo Paulo unit


Street Р181 РṢo Paulo Perdizes

contact: (11) 2305-8502 or 2305-8503

More information by telephones: (11) 5071-1578 or 5071-2623/>