Stain Center professionals updated their knowledge about lung cancer.

is the type of cancer that more deaths cause.

-The Hospital in Alcazar de San Juan has held the course ‘ Lung Cancer: Screening and early stages ’ organized by the Pneumology and oncology services for physicians and nurses involved in your care

Spain, October 2012.- professionals of the Hospital General ‘ La Mancha Centro ’ Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real) involved in attentionon lung cancer met last week to share and learn about new contributions in the field of screening and its early stages with the goal of improving the care of those with this disease.

Training has been organized jointly by the Pneumology and the alcazareno hospital oncology services, and had as main target physicians and nurses from the aforementioned services, as well as radiology, pathology, pharmacy and internal medicine.

The course ‘ Lung Cancer: Screening and early stages ’ began with an approach to the current data on the incidence of lung cancer and the relevance of the problem in our society today, in the hands of the head of the Pneumology Service of the Center spotMaria Jesus Mena.

De izquierda a derecha: el neumólogo del Mancha Centro, Gonzalo Rodríguez de la Rubia; la jefa de Neumología de Mancha Centro, María Jesús Mena; la doctora Ana Núñez, del Servicio de Neumología del Hospital de Albacete; el responsable de Anatomía Patologica del Mancha CentroRubén Cuesta; and the head of Oncology at the same Center, Sara Cerezo.

Gonzalo Rodríguez de la Rubia pulmonologist and the radiology service Chief of the hospital, Javier González-Spinola were responsible for dealing with the current state of screening for lung cancerboth the data in favour, such as those against.

Attendees also had the opportunity to know the technique of transbronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) and their indications in the staging of lung cancer, as well as the advantages posed regarding the mediastinoscopy; and understand the vision of the different professionals involved in the diagnostic study and treatment of bronchogenic carcinoma. All of the hand of the doctor Ana Núñez Ares of the Pneumology Department of the Hospital de Albacete, reference service that have strengthened ties in the face of a health care improvement.

For his part, the head of the service of pathological anatomy of the General Hospital ‘ La Mancha Centro ’, Rubén Cuesta, focused on showing the difficulties posed by the diagnosis of lung cancer based on small sample sizes (cytology), while to the head of Oncology of the medical centreSara Cerezo, showed indications of adjuvant treatment of lung cancer, as well as chemotherapy and patients candidates profile schemes.

prevalence of lung cancer

lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death globally, causing more than one million deaths each year. In particular, 17,000 men and 2,500 women die from this disease in our country. However, at present, its prevalence has increased in women as in men has stabilized. In addition to the consumption of tobacco, lung cancer is caused by environmental agents (radiation, urban and air pollution, etc.), genetic factors, and diet, among others.