The eczema are a type of dermatitis that occur by contact with any matter that produce reaction in the skin, either of natural type (plants, insect bites), artificial (man-made fibres of clothes or similar materials).The main measure to get rid of an eczema is interrupted contact with what it produces, but as then it can be the effects to be arranged in time, it is convenient to also apply any remedy to relieve the itching and rash skin.

The doctor is always a great partner to help us tackle the symptoms of skin conditions, but wisdom and natural remedies can also come to our aid. Takes note of the following recipes.

the poultice made with three zanahoras boiled and crushed is a totally natural, anti-allergic remedy and also very cheap. When you are cold, applied on the skin and let Act during a quarter of an hour. He then retired with warm water.The cucumber is also great for the skin; to get all the benefits of this vegetable be cutting a cucumber into thin slices, place them two hours in water and then filter the liquid, which will be the tonic we’ll apply on eczema to relieve the itching.

Infusion of Chamomile is not only good for the stomach, it is also an excellent palliative for the eczema symptoms. If you prepare an infusion of Chamomile with a teaspoon of plant dry for each glass of water boiling and you leave it sit for 15 minutes, you’ll see great are its qualities. Once prepared the infusion, filter her and soaked gauze, that you i.e.,what on the affected area. Leave to act twenty minutes and continues treatment three times a day, until the eczema dry or disappear.

Tags: botica Grandma’s remedies, home remedies, eczema remedies, natural remedies