the survey measured the effect on minors excesses in consumption, mainly in previous calls or “preboliches” that are organized before attending the dance boliches.

Between the findings of the study were characterized neurologists were mentioned: the great concern for the future of young people exceed in alcohol consumption, high rates of accidents related to the consumption and the loss of cognitive abilities and specifically memory in young people taking alcohol continuously and excessive intellectual development.

The study, which was presented at the Racing Club of San Miguel before more than a thousand people between youth and adult members of educational institutions, civil society organizations and authorities, was done by the head of neuroscience of the Fleni, Marcelo Merello and the head of cognitive neurology of the same Institute, Ricardo Allegri.

Merello stressed that “today the youngest consume 2 or 3 times more alcohol than previous generations.” “This is very serious, and the alcohol in its sustained and chronic consumption produces brain disease that mainly affects memory, intellectual development and hence to the future opportunity to these young people in the labour market”.

The professional pointed out that “in addition, we have seen that 30% of people taking alcohol suffer accidents, automobile or domestic, which generate acute neurological diseases that are terribly serious and disturbing, since several injuries to the loss of life”.

For his part, the Mayor of San Miguel, Joaquin of the Tower, stressed that the meeting meant “one step more that serves to continue awakening the consciousness of parents of teenagers and of all sectors of society”.

The township chief added that “we take care the boliches long ago, but today is also important to address the run-up, where in general the adolescents consume before leaving to dance.” “Here, we got together the public sector, parents, directors of schools and various institutions, to work on joint solutions”, explained.