The we take all possible diseases, one after another. It can be for many reasons: exposure to bacteria and constant virus, periods of cold or sudden changes in temperature … but more usually in those moments we have defenses casualties.

Most importantly to increase our defensive against the pathogens system is to lead a healthy diet and a lifestyle healthy. But if you still need a push ”, before resorting to the vitamin supplements also there are natural remedies that help us.

infusions, once again, are our major allies. Ginseng tea is an ancient remedy to increase the body’s defenses, and also to provide dietary supplements or periods of low-energy vitality. For its part, green tea is also quite effective, already has the feature to stimulate the production of cell immune.

The carrot juice is also great, and if mix you with the two orange in addition to being delicious, aportaremos our organism an important dose of vitamins C and A. It is better to take this juice at breakfast to stimulate the system immune.

Road / folk remedies.

Image / obo-bobolina.

Tags: La botica la abuela, reinforce defenses