Scientists recently announced that two men have been cured of AIDS, being these two new cases of people who are released from this disease. Timothy Brown was the first patient that cures AIDS, also known as the ” of Berlin patient ”, but there are now two new cases of people who are relieved of this disease.


With these new discoveries scientists wondered if finally found the cure for HIV/AIDS, as reported that two men have been cured of this disease.

this disease has been 30 years of causing the death of thousands of people a year, and around this time had not reported that someone is cured of this disease, until 2011 with the case of Timothy Brown, and now with two new patients. These two people received a marrow transplant more than two years ago, and after investigations, the HIV virus could not be detected on any part of your body.

Such cases occurred in the 19 annual International Conference on AIDS in Washington. In this Conference showed the cases that were officially recognized.

Timothy Brown received a bone marrow transplant, which managed to be replaced their own cells some healthy, which could resist the HIV-infected. After five year HIV finally disappeared from his body.

Daniel Kuritzkes, doctor in Boston tried to Brown stated the following:

Everyone knows about the case of this patient. What we did was to see if a simpler treatment could be applied with positive results. AIDS patients are susceptible to cancers but usually cease to take HIV medicines before receiving treatment for cancer. This allows the virus back and infect the cells of the donor. ”

with the case of Brown and now these two new patients could find new treatments to heal completely for people infected with HIV