The written expression occupies a very important role in the therapeutic process of some people, to provide a mechanism for emotional expression in circumstances that interpersonal communication is not possible or is not as effective.

Write in a journal, for example, produces various benefits in healthy people: fosters creativity, helps to deal with stress and built a record writing experiences vital memorable, that some researchers have noted that the writing of a newspaper has various benefits for psychological and physical health of sick people.

The it has come to be called diarioterapia, i.e. the use of intentional a written log of thoughts or own sentiments, in the interests of the psychological healing and personal growth later, that in addition to the reduction of the physical symptoms of the disease, favors the resolution of emotional conflicts, empowerment of self-awareness, behavior modification, solving problems, reduction of anxiety, helps to reality orientation and increased self-esteem.

This method is used as a treatment for disorders of development, medical, educational, social or psychological, and practiced in mental health, rehabilitation, medical institutions, various educational, social and forensic.

The therapeutic use of written expression allows the individual to deal with the issues that concern him, relieving thus restrictions or inhibitions associated with the fact of talking about the issue.

Progress to which I refer is explained by the fact that emotional expression best cognitive traumatic memory process, which gives rise to emotional and psychological change and, in this case, written emotional expression promotes integration, understanding, assimilation and even acceptance of the event, while minimizing the negative emotions associated with it.

Tags: tips, stress, alternative therapies