peace, 6 mar (EFE).-the foreign, David Choquehuanca, Bolivian Minister today traveled to Washington to explain this Wednesday at the Organization of American States (OAS) its proposal for a declaration to the General Assembly of that institution to be held in June in Bolivia.

Choquehuanca traveled with Vice Chancellor Juan Carlos Alurralde, told Efe a Foreign Ministry source.

The proposal that the Minister will be presented tomorrow to the Permanent Council of the OAS focuses on “food security with sovereignty”, which Bolivia believes “crucial for the climate crisis and increases in the prices of food, anticipated the last weekend Alurralde.

The OAS held its General Assembly from 3 to 5 June in the Bolivian city of Cochabamba, the Bolivia Centre, 33 years after a similar one conducted in 1979 in La Paz.

El Colonel Alberto Natusch Busch then staged a coup hours after the closure of the Assembly, forcing the American Foreign Ministers to flee to the airport escorted by tanks. EFE