The budgets of the medical school of Zaragoza, hereinafter referred to as.

-the Assembly approves the precolegiación project presented by the Board of Directors

-The doctors Agustín Rodríguez Santiago Moreno receive the ratification of the Assembly to play two vacancies on the Board of

Zaragoza, December of 2011- the Assembly held in the evening of Tuesday, December 20, at the Salon Ramón y Cajal from the College of physicians of Zaragozaadopted by a very large majority schoolchildren budgets by the year 2012.

of izuierda to right: Treasurer of school doctor Antonio Caballero, the vowel of Rural primary care, Dr Santiago Moreno, the President of the College of physicians of Zaragoza, Dr. Enrique la Figuera, Vice-President 4th, Dr. Agustín Rodríguez, and the Secretary, doctor Angel Jimeno.

Before the Assembly members the President of the medical school Zaragoza, Dr. Enrique la Figuera, stated in his report that the budgets for the year 2012 are characterized by prudence, budgetary caution and the zero deficit ”. The Board of directors chaired by Figuera Enrique proposed the adoption of the Assembly a draft budget that bet by keep the training programme, college scholarships, the commitment of allocating 0.7 per cent of the budget for aid, the public health programme, the PAIME, services of advisers, civil liability insurance, the program of culture, the choir, sports tournaments or the service guide ”, said the President. Also in his report of Presidency, Figuera Enrique stressed the role of the medical school of Zaragoza in implementing underway school program (e-colegio) which the institution is driving, and how this project will mean greater convenience for the members and citizens.

Principle of austerity budgets

Following the report of the Presidency, the Treasurer of the collegiate institution, Dr. Antonio Caballero, was commissioned to discuss highlights of budget expenditure figures. In particular, indicated the Treasurer, for the exercise of 2012, the costs are increased by an average 3% ”. Antonio Caballero referred also to those items most important breakdown of the quantities appearing as an expense. Thus, he referred to the insurance premiums, with an increase due to the number of members; other services which includes various items, and some of which are offset by items of income throughout the year; salaries and wages; or at the Institute for continuing medical education. In total, the balanced overall budget, income and expenses, of the Zaragoza collegiate institution reaches the 2.984.397 €

introduction of the precolegiación and new positions on the Board of

the Assembly also adopted the report on the implementation of the precolegiación of the students of the factultad of Medicine of the University of Zaragoza (of 4)(5 and 6), presented the directive Board of the College of physicians. As indicated the report include the Group of future professionals is one of the concerns of the current ”. In addition, were the students themselves, through its delegation in the faculty, who sought the measure.

In particular, the adopted precolegiación project includes the precolegiados rights: access to courses of continuous medical training, delivery of card, participation in activities of the Committee on culture and leisure, receiving College information, benefits of the program of discounts, consultations on the programme of social protection for the school and annual installment of the vademecum. In addition, the precolegiados must meet certain requirements: be conducting studies of 4 th, 5 th or 6 th in the Faculty of Medicine of Zaragoza, pay an annual fee of 10 € and obligations that affect all the members under the statutes of the institution.

image of the Assembly during the vote on the budget.

The Assembly understood that, with this measure, provides the tránsitImagen of the Assembly during the vote on Budgets. or the period of study and professional practice, the precolegiación will mean a greater knowledge of the College of physicians and its functioning, as well as the responsibilities, duties and rights that involve the exercise of the profession. Moreover, and no less important, the Assembly confirmed that the precolegiación is the way to show students and the rest of the Zaragoza society that College is an dynamic and in constant evolution.

Finally, the samblea, on the proposal of the Board of Directors, also ratified the new charges of the Board before produced vacancies. On the one hand, Dr. Agustín Rodríguez Borobia, optional specialist Hospital Royo Villanova Radiology area for the post of Vice President 4, and Dr Santiago Moreno Asensio, specialist in family medicine and community, doctor by A.P.D opposition and exercise as a primary care physician in Gallur Health Center, for the post of Member of Rural primary care.