El CECOVA calls for the strengthening the health education and prevention to curb the increase in diseases cardiovascular.

ávila defends educator role of the nursing school to promote healthy eating and healthy living habits in the field of education to prevent future ailments ”.

valencia, 2011-September, the Council of nursing of the Comunitat Valenciana (CECOVA), the Spanish scientific society for nursing school (SCE3) and the colleges of nursing of Valencia, Castellón and Alicante requested last Friday, with a view to the holding of the world heart day, that public administrations reinforce prevention and health education policies to curb the increase in the number of deaths from cardiovascular diseases, whose main risk factor is obesity ”.

In this regard, the President of the CECOVA, José Antonio Avila Olivares, defended educator role of the school nurse to monitor the healthy eating and promoting healthy habits in the learning environment and avoid sedentary behaviors and the intake of fats and sugars in the school which could degenerate into serious ailments during adulthood ”.

The objective is, according to Avila Olivares, enhance the cardiovascular health of young people taking advantage of the Mediterranean diet ” and sensitizing the population about preventive guidelines against the disease that causes more mortality in Western countries.

prevention in early age

for its part, the Chairperson of the SCE3, sea Ortiz sailing, stated that an important part of the population does not know what they are eating, with a clear risk that this entails for their health ”. For this reason, had an impact the importance of the prevention from an early age to avoid suffering from cardiovascular diseases and promoting health in schools is essential so that future generations do not suffer this kind of health problems in his adult life ”.

In addition, Ortiz sailing recalled that the cardiovascular (e.g. myocardial infarction and stroke) are the most deadly in the world, not in vain are charged 17.5 million lives a year worldwide. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among the elderly of 65 years, with a greater presence of ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias, heart failure and valvulopathies. For this reason, said that is important that awareness of the methods for minimizing risk factors, for example to maintain controlled body weight and exercise regularly ”.

Ortiz sailing warned that school nurses are detecting disease that until now were considered to be characteristic of adults, such as the Hyperlipidemia and diabetes in children attending primary education ”. Conditions generated by the overweight and increasingly are most abundant between students from third grade of primary with just 8-9 ”, warned, and blamed to poor diet and lack of physical exercise ” of this situation.

The President of the SCE3 explained that the promotion of food habits in children cardiosaludables forms the basis for the reduction of cardiovascular risk factors in future generations ” and nursing school professionals are responsible of students and also to the rest of the educational community to explain the importance of a healthy diet varied where they occupy a predominant place the fruits and vegetables, and ”.

Cardiovascular disease, those relating to the circulatory system and heart cause in Spain one in three deaths, many like cancer. This important death toll reduction requires that males undergo medical check ups periodic from age 45 and women from 65 when their risk of a vascular accident begins to grow.

The prevention of cardiovascular accidents should be based on the abandonment of tobacco, the maintenance of a healthy diet based on the Mediterranean diet, the practice of sport and the move away from situations of stress. drink plenty of water, not to abuse the coffee and do exercise regularly are measures that help to prevent this type of ailments.