The CECOVA encourages influenza vaccination of the most sensitive groups and health professionals to prevent its effects and complications.

ávila drew attention to a particularly sensitive collective as it is the of the grandparents Kangaroo ” infection in children is more frequent and the duration of the dialog box is more long.

Spain, 2011-October the Council of nursing of the Comunitat Valenciana (CECOVA) and the colleges of nursing in Valencia, Castellón and Alicante appealed yesterday to encourage groups more sensitive to suffer from the spread of influenza and its effects and complications and health professionals to follow the guidelines of the Department of health and to protect themselvesprotect loved ones and caregivers, vaccinating against flu.

The President of the CECOVA, José Antonio Avila Olivares, explained that once again autumn arrives and begins the campaign of vaccination against influenza. For this reason, want to join the public appeals for public administrations and scientific societies these days encourage the population to protect themselves from possible infection by immunization ”.

In this regard, Ávila Olivares recalled that influenza is a highly contagious disease that is transmitted by air and affects a large percentage of the population, exceeding 40% in children and adults and the elderly 30% in a normal season ”.

In addition, the President of the CECOVA drew attention to a group that is particularly sensitive to suffer the effects of flu is the of the grandparents Kangaroo ” infection in children is more frequent and longer duration of the dialog box. Any person who cares for children should be sensitive to this problem and go to be vaccinated against the flu virus. Also the people of any age who care for elderly or sick or disabled persons.

For its part, the Coordinator of the Working Group in the CECOVA, José Antonio Forcada, vaccinations explained that the main problem when you get sick of flu are complications that occur mainly in persons more susceptible, especially those already suffering from illness and persons over 60 years. Spain counted more than 76,000 hospitalizations from influenza, and 67 per cent of these are people over 64 years old. Around 8,000 deaths caused directly or indirectly. 80% Of these deaths are over the age of 74.

The flu vaccine used this season presents no changes on which was used last season, which is a highly effective vaccine and the adverse effects of poor, mainly of a local nature (redness, local pain, etc.), which will disappear in a few days without causing major problems. In our country are to be used more than 10 million doses.

Thus, said José Antonio Forcada, vaccination is the most effective measure to protect against the flu, reduces hospitalization of the elderly in 30% and mortality from all causes by 50%. Without forgetting, as it has been stressed in recent years, measures of personal hygiene and a proper diet, rich in vegetables, vegetables, nuts and the abundant intake of fluids.

Finally, Forcada also found very important to emphasize the vaccination of workers in health centres, where the circulation of influenza virus is eldest and, therefore, the possibilities of acquiring, major ”. Health professional infected can transmit influenza infection to the people it serves, so you have to be especially sensitive and cautious to avoid possible damage to a third party ”, warned.