El CECOVA ve unfair ” the double wage cut ” that has been applied to the directors of nursing, in addition to the comparative tort ” with senior doctors.

reduction of remuneration of Directors and Assistant Directors of nursing can be reached in some cases exceed 20%.

Valencia, February 2012.- the Council of nursing of the Valencian Community (CECOVA) on Wednesday lamented treatment given to managers of nursing with the recent publication of Decree 30/2012, of 3 February, the Council amending the structure, functions and remuneration regime of the managers of health institutions of the Ministry of health, because, on the one hand, is a double wage cut, which can exceed 20% of the salary in some cases and, on the other hand, a comparative grievance with the medical directors ”.

The President of the CECOVA, José Antonio Avila, recalled that nursing managers, like the rest of healthcare professionals affected by wage cuts, not to blame for the economic deficit that exists, but, however, its members return them to cut the salary, on this occasion by the fact of being management ”. Is an unjust and totally demotivating measure for those who should lead and manage human resources are also discouraged by economic cuts ”, said Avila.

In this sense, the CECOVA lamented that the directors of nursing from 1 March will suffer a double salary cut to join the decrease infringed by Decree 30/2012 the reduction of 50 per cent of the complement of professional career, which, in some cases and adding both cuts, can exceed 20% decrease in their fees, a wage reduction really excessive and unjust ”.

On the other hand, the adoption of this order also means that the wage difference between the directors of nursing and the intermediate positions of nursing, i.e. service of hospital nurses and coordinators of primary care nursing supervisors, be reduced considerablyAlthough there is a qualitative leap with regard to the responsibility assumed by each and other part ”.

comparative tort

in addition, to the primary care nursing addresses equals them in rebates vice-principals of Hospital nursing, although the medical direction of primary care are her it equates to the medical direction of the Hospital and not vice-principals doctors Hospital, by what consider to be a comparative insult the situation in which are the directors of nursing in primary care for primary care physicians directors ”.

Missed opportunity for organizational improvement

In addition, the CECOVA lamented that the adoption of the Decree 30/2012 should have served to establish an organization of primary care nursing addresses without the double subordination currently, maintain that, on the one hand, they depend functionally on the medical management of primary care and, on the other hand, organically in the management of Nursing Department of health for ”.

Nursing managers, in the worst paid in Spain

It should be noted that a comparative study conducted by the CECOVA on the salaries of executives of six autonomous communities nursing reflects that of the Valencian Community are worse paid economically ”. Specifically, a director of nursing in a hospital in the Valencian community perceives a wage 8.4% lower than the average wage of the directors of nursing of the other autonomous communities. In the case of the Assistant Directors of nursing this difference is even higher with a lower by 12.9 per cent wage gap.