el CECOVA warns that 30 per cent of the population has a high cardiovascular risk and recommends measures such as exercise or a complete and balanced diet

in the European day for the Cardiovascular Prevention, the collegiate organization warns that cardiovascular diseases are the second leading cause of death in the work ”

Valencia, March 2012.- the Council of nursing of the Comunitat Valenciana (CECOVA) and schools of nursing of Valencia, Alicante and Castellón warned today, on the occasion of European day for the Cardiovascular Prevention, cardiovascular diseases are the second cause of death in accident at work, accounting for 30.7% of total deaths in workday, and also produce nearly 23,000 off work per year, representing an approximate expenditure of 2,500 euros per year per employee for companies ”.

Therefore the Organization College of nursing recommended companies that give indicative guidelines to employees so they can control some of the major risk factors already 30% of the working population presents a high cardiovascular risk, i.e. they suffer from two or more factores de riesgo cardiovascular (hypertension)(, obesity, smoking, diabetes and physical inactivity) ”.

Essential for the formation of workers

In this regard, the Chairman of the CECOVA, José Antonio Avila Olivares, stressed the importance of the work they provide working nursing professionals in the cabinets of occupational health and occupational risk prevention services, which constitute an essential element in the training of workers in the prevention of cardiovascular risk ”, since recalled, is the leading cause of death in Spain, being ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease, the most common of all ”.

It should be recalled that the cardiovascular risk is determined by the presence or not of risk factors that increase the possibility of developing a cardiovascular disease ”. In this sense, the main risk factors are not modifiable (i.e., those on which we cannot intervene) such as age, sex, and family history; and, on the other hand, the modifiable factors that Yes we can influence to reduce cardiovascular risk such as hypertension, Dyslipidemia (increased cholesterol figures), obesity, look smoking, diabetes and a sedentary lifestyle.

Measures of cardiovascular prevention

The CECOVA recommends the adoption of a number of cardiovascular prevention measures among which are:

1. Give up smoking.

2. Maintain the appropriate weight (avoiding the central obesity and overweight).

3 Exercise on a regular basis (about 30 minutes of moderate daily activity).

4 Maintain a complete and balanced diet.

5. Keep cholesterol levels under control (which should be with a value of total cholesterol of less than 200 mg/dl).

6 Keep the numbers of LDL (bad cholesterol) cholesterol below 115 mg/dl.

7 Monitor and care for blood pressure (maintain blood pressure at a figure < 140/90 mmHg).

8. If you are a diabetic person it is essential to keep blood glucose under control to prevent cardiovascular complications.