El CECOVA warning the increase in progressive cases of AIDS in adolescents and requested more sex education in schools to combat the increase in infections.

ávila Olivares explained that are the school nurses as health workers and educators on sexual habits which can better do the work of prevention in school ”.

valencia, 2011-December the Council of nursing of the Comunitat Valenciana (CECOVA) and the colleges of nursing in Valencia, Castellón and Alicante warned on the eve of the world day of combating AIDS, on the progressive increase in number of adolescents who suffer from syndrome of acquired immune deficiency (AIDS) infectionthey suffer an illness sexually transmitted (STD) or undergo an abortion by not using contraception ”.

Therefore, collegiate nursing associations requested more affective-sexual education in adolescence through the introduction of nursing school services in schools to inform more and better effectiveness on the forms of transmission of AIDS and other STDs such as syphilis and gonorrhoea as well as in the prevention of unwanted teenage pregnancies ”.

In addition, recalled that the World Health Organization maintains that sex education does not encourage the precocity of the affective relationship, or promiscuity, but that power reflection and more responsible behaviour ”.

The President of the CECOVA, José Antonio Avila Olivares, bet by increased the daily work in the field of awareness in the field of education because it is necessary not only to convey the necessary information in the field of health education, but also a real work of awareness-raising and prevention in those most vulnerable groups ” and recalled that exactly the adolescents are one of the groups where you have to provide more and better care ”.

In this sense, Ávila Olivares explained that are the school nurses as health workers and educators on sexual habits which can better do the work of prevention to alert on the transmission of AIDS, which must begin with the awareness of adolescents in the framework of the affective-sexual education initiatives, the dissemination of safe habits in the sex and the knowledge of the problems caused by this disease and other sexually transmitted in own schools ”.

The tendency of youth to enjoy to the fullest, reach the limit of the own possibilities to be considered as satisfied, group uniformity and the set of prejudices and myths of this age on sexual relations are characteristics that make the needs of this population prevention specific ”, said José Antonio Avila.

Importance of early diagnosis

On the other hand, the CECOVA highlighted the importance ” of early diagnosis such as main tool to reduce the risk of involuntary contagion and achieve a quality of optimum life of persons infected with HIV, that on many occasions this diagnosis comes when symptoms of other opportunistic disease and the immune system is already very deteriorated ”.

In this regard, recalled that more than 40% of the cases diagnosed in the region of Valencia was belatedly ”. On the contrary, there are only 10% of cases that have passed more than 15 years between the diagnosis of the virus and the disease, which shows that if HIV is diagnosed early, it can take more than 15 years the appearance of any opportunistic disease ”.

In relation to the care of patients with AIDS, the CECOVA recalled that professionals in nursing should try to cover the needs of the patient not to cover if only, providing psychological, physical and emotional support you need, avoiding postures of rejection or overprotection, call for an approach to the patient, an approach to the family and an attempt to establish a relationship with the patient ”.