The Observatory paediatric AP informs the community about serious deficiencies in the training of the residents.

to the attention of Madrid, Local, news, health.

-Up at 57.7 per cent of cases, does not meet the mandatory rotation of three months by AP that establishes the official training programme

-the Observatory considers that it is essential to regulate and adapt regulations rotations of the residents of Madrid hospital Paediatrics and aims to adequately assess the teaching work of paediatricians of AP and accommodate them in the committees or subcommittees on teaching

Spain, 2011-December the training of primary care Pediatrics residents contains serious weaknesses, according to a survey made by the paediatric Observatory of primary care (PA) from responses from pediatricians distributed by the 57 regional health centres accredited for the teaching of Pediatricswhose results have been known to the community of Madrid.

-The most significant data of the survey is that compulsory rotation of 3 months by primary care that provides specialty training programme, in force since 2006; is not fulfilled by up 57.7% of cases but that there is a great disparity between different hospitals in the community. Three of every five pediatricians in public hospitals in Madrid receive a poor training in AP, place where more pediatricians are missing.

– While pediatricians of AP performed important educational work, both for pediatricians for family physicians, no pediatrician AP has accreditation as tutor or teacher collaborator, so this activity has no official valuation curricular or professional, not receiving any kind of compensation by their formative task teaching.

-Only a member of the different commissions of teaching in the community of Madrid is pediatrician of AP.
-17% Of the residents in Pediatrics asked to do a second voluntary rotation by primary health care in the last year of residence.

The paediatric Observatory concludes that it is essential to regulate and adapt regulations the residents of Madrid hospital Pediatrics rotations and that it would be good to adequately assess the teaching work of paediatricians of AP and accommodate them in the committees or subcommittees on teaching. It is a hopeful for the Pediatrics of AP, and therefore also for Madrid children, that one of every five residents of Pediatrics consider important rotation by this level when they are finishing their residence.

In addition, the Observatory warns on difficulties that put the nurses that preferably Pediatric activities, and consequently, to obtain certification in this specialty. The Observatory said that the new resolution governing the requirements for accreditation of teacher Multiprofesionales units (UDM) of Pediatrics establishes that their devices of AP (health centers), there at least one medical specialist in Pediatrics and a specialist in pediatric nursing. In this sense, it denounces it is hardly understandable to not allowing activity of proven effectiveness and popularity as the work of pediatric nursing in primary health care of health of the child population and at the same time such activity is required to complete the training of future specialistsboth Pediatrics and pediatric nursing. Nurses full-time child labour has been respected in other autonomous communities. It would be a loss of irreplaceable for the families of our community if not many health centres in our community might accredit training in children’s specialties ”-notes.

According to the Observatory has been able to perceive the health administration of the Madrid seems that it is open to seek solutions to these problems.

It will be recalled, the past June 7, 2011 was Observatory Pediatric primary care (AP), established by the Madrid scientific societies of Pediatric (the Paediatric Society of Madrid and Castile – La Mancha – SPMYCM-, the society of paediatric Extrahospitalaria and primary care – SEPEAP – and the Madrileña attention Pediatrics Association)(primary ón – AMPap-), the Association of doctors and graduates of Madrid (AMYTS) and pediatricians members of the Bureau of the AP of the College of physicians. The purpose of the Observatory is monitoring and alerting of the welfare and labour issues of Pediatricians of Madrid health centers, trying thus optimising the quality of assistance to children and adolescents in our community.