Mancha Center will again open its doors to University during the summer.

the past 28 June was held the ceremony of welcome of the eighth promotion practices students undergraduate.

-a total of 91 young people will use your summer break to extend their training in the Hospital in Alcazar de San Juan

Spain, July 2012.- A total of 91 students University of the health sciences and other qualifications have applied for internships during the summer in the downtown health “La Mancha”in both in its area of influence health centres and the Hospital in Alcazar de San Juan (Ciudad Real).

The students of the eighth promotion that this year they will take advantage of your holidays to form in a sanitary environment real during the months of July, August and September, have received today by the management of the health centre in the Assembly Hall, where it has delivered them the information necessary for their practices and have known the tutors who will be in charge of supervise their work, guide them and guide them.

The University 91 requested practices in the alcazareno hospital come from careers in medicine and surgery, nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dentistry, biology, health biology and biotechnology, biochemistry and chemistry, psychology, pharmacy, as well as different professions related to the area of management and General Servicessuch as administration and management, computer science and mechanical engineering, law or labour relations.

Alumnos posando con el equipo directivo del centro, en la puerta principal del hospital.

The majority of these University courses students will do practices under collaboration agreements that keeps the General Hospital ‘ La Mancha Centro ’ with universities of the whole Spanish, both from the private and public sphere. At the end of the study period, the corresponding certification will be issued to make the calculation of credits in cases in which is covered by the educational cooperation agreement.

This is the eighth year that the General Hospital ‘ La Mancha Centro ’ educates students within its offer undergraduate teaching. As in previous years, the teaching Commission has brought the number of pupils by specialty with the aim that students can take full advantage of your stay in the hospital and may receive a more personalized training.

Summer at the General Hospital practices ‘ La Mancha Centro ’ are being carried out on a regular basis since 2005, year in which eight students of medicine and psychology of second cycle of training began. The number of students, training cycles, and the universities of origin has increased significantly since then to be around one hundred.

The level of satisfaction of the students who have already made practices at the Center spot is very high. Proof of this is that until vacancies are offered and are announced publicly, there is an avalanche of applications for this programme, whose aim is to give them the opportunity to come into contact with what will be your professional future and give them a human, professional and academic training.