(www.neomundo.com.ar) the life expectancy of a person is not determined by their genes, i.e. how long lived their own parents. Instead, the habits that are incorporated and maintained throughout the years are those which impact more forcefully in the time that someone goes in this world, he concluded an investigation.

The authors of the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) explained that each person has an impact on the lifestyle habits that determine how long lives. “This is positive for the individual and society,” said Lars Wilhelmsen, one of the researchers. Its findings were published in the Journal of Internal Medicine.

The expectation or hope of life is an index that measures the number of years is expected to experience a population. According to the United Nations, this value increased by Argentina as was 74.8 years in 2005 and went up to 75.2 years 2007.

Years of good habits

to investigate what has an impact on life expectancy, the authors worked with 855 men born in 1913. They came in contact with them in 1963, i.e. when they were 50 years old, and performed them a medical examination specially focused in the cardiovascular health. Volunteers went through new health checks at 54, 60, 67, 75 and 80 years of age.

Wilhelmsen noted that men who do not smoke, consuming moderate amounts of coffee and had a good socio-economic level were more likely to comply with the age of 90. In fact, 13% of volunteers exceeded this age.

“Are opening ground with this study.” “Many of these factors had been previously identified as important in cardiovascular disease, but here we show for the first time that they have a role in survival,” said specialist al.

Wilhelmsen said that he is widely believed that a man or woman with long-lived parents have much potential to live for many years, but his research suggests that mortality is not primarily determined by genes. “The hereditary factors do not have a fundamental role.” “Lifestyle presents the greatest impact,” he said.

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