Clinical professionals expose their participation in projects of health cooperation in the world.

Framed in the 225 anniversary tribute day.

Madrid, June 2012.- professionals of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos presented their experiences as cooperating in various health projects carried out in countries of the so-called third world, I day of cooperation that has organized the Zarco Social class within the framework of the 225 anniversary of this Center under the title the clinician in the worldwhich was intended to also pay tribute to all the employees of the Hospital that they dedicate part of their time and resources to help those who not only provide health care, but also the health promotion and improvement of hygiene habits.

The day began with the presentation of the cooperating project carried out by the surgeon Carmen Hernandez, who together with other professionals of the Hospital also exposes their cooperation projects in the continent African (Kenya, Liberia, Benin, Ghana, Algeria) and American (Bolivia, Nicaragua). Dr. Hernandez told their experiences, from the year 2004, in the Government Hospital of Lodwar in the District of Turkana (Kenya) with the aim of expanding the poor coverage of the region, giving it a surgical care access to the entire population.

Cooperantes del Clínico de San Carlos

Por su parte, el cirujano pediátrico Luis Fernando Rivilla, compartió sus impresiones sobre las campañas quirúrgicas realizadas en Liberia, Benín y Ghana por un equipo de dos cirujanos y dos anestesistas que realizan un centenar de intervenciones al año en niños y adolescentes con diferentes grados de complejidad. Doctor Paul Rodriguez Carnero explained the health reality of camps for Sahrawi refugees in Tindouf, Algeria, where there are 44,000 people spread over more than 4,000 square kilometres of desert.

The doctors Jesus Hurtado and Lourdes Duran likewise come year after year along with other physicians and nurses, to the call of the NGO new men to Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, a very populated area with nearly two million inhabitants, where he made more than 250 surgeries and nearly 700 medical consultations. Dr. Susana Martín Garre, the clinical diagnosis service, exposed their collaboration in Malawi, one of the least developed countries of the African continent, from the hand of the Foundation Africa direct organization: its main objective here is to improve poor training in ultrasound and radiological staff of seven hospitals in the District of Karonga.

Cooperation and economic crisis

The impact of the economic crisis is also a matter of analysis on this day. Thus it has organized a panel discussion with the title impact the of the world first Economic Crisis in international cooperation for development: threats and opportunities ” which was attended by Juan Pablo del Pozo, responsible for the inventory unit of the clinical and representative of the NGOs of Integral solidarity, organization with an amplitude of aid to the third world, with shipment of products of first necessity to Peru, Haiti, Macau; construction of sources of drinking water and schools in the Congo, etc.

También se contó con la participación de representantes de las ONGD´s Plan España, Proyecto Solidario, Médicos del Mundo y África Directo que debatieron sobre la actual situación de la cooperación internacional al desarrollo en un marco de crisis económica mundial.

Finally, during the day opened an exhibition with photographs contributed by practitioners and the ONGD´s who participated in the Conference to which Luis Fernando Rivilla has baptized as the African tribe of the clinical ”.