The Department of health of Torrevieja review view a score of school in the Township of Benijófar.

– has been a general review by control type screening that has made it possible to detect vision disorders that may cause a deficit in the vision of one or both eyes, known as amblyopia pathology

Torrevieja, June 2012.- the Department of health of Torrevieja, managed by Bank health and Asisa and integrated in the public network of the Generalitat ValencianaHe has made an ophthalmological children from first primary of the Colegio San Jaime of ALTE, as one of the actions which are part of the Regional Plan of health promotion of the area.

Revisión en Benijófar

De este modo, un optometrista y un oftalmólogo del Hospital han realizado una revisión general mediante un control tipo screening que ha permitido detectar alteraciones de visión que puedan producir un déficit en la visión de uno o ambos ojos, patología conocida como ambliopía.

Amblyopia, or lazy eye, commonly is the visual impairment in one eye caused by a bad image on the retina, which generates a suppression of the coming visual feature of the eye at cerebral level. Detection, in the majority of cases is preceded by signs observed by parents or teachers, hence the importance of this campaign aimed at children.

El Departamento de Salud de Torrevieja estudia extender esta iniciativa a otros municipios del área de salud con el fin de alcanzar al cien por cien de los niños en edad escolar, en concreto los de 6 años, edad considerada clave para realizar este estudio. In fact, students of the same age of the municipalities of Torrevieja, Guardamar del Segura and Pilar de la Horadada have also been reviewed by professionals of the Center.