el College of nursing will now host the II Conference of cooperation development.

under the motto nursing around the world: transculturation in care.
alicante, January 2012.- El College of nursing of Alicante, through development cooperation group, now organizes the II days of cooperation development under the motto nursing worldwide: transculturation in care. This activity, directed to nurses and other health professionals, will develop in the College Assembly Hall under the objectives of promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences among different professionals in nursing that help identify the cultural roots of the different styles of life, encourage communication between nurses and the people who come from other cultures by accepting its priorities ”, contribute to participation active culturally different patients in planning and control of their health problems, promote reflection of nursing staff about the binomial health-disease and the role of culture, visible to all persons living together in this multicultural society and facilitate intercultural interaction.

Its conclusion under these premises is justified by the importance of the role of culture in the process health-disease and, more specifically, in the context of nursing care. It joins the circumstance that it is currently immersed in a prism of multicultural societies in which it is essential to rethink situations of care and therapeutic processes and create new approaches.