The College of pharmacists of Gipuzkoa collaborates with the campaign Pasaialdea smoke-free ”.

– the project involves passages, Renteria pharmacies and slum San Sebastián of Lezo, Bidebieta – La Paz and upside

-the aim of the campaign is to reduce the number of smokers in the comarca of passages, far superior to that of the rest of Gipuzkoa

San Sebastian, June 2012.- tobacco, according to the whoin the 20th century it has killed 100 million people and if the current trend is not reversed, in the twenty-first kill one billion people. In fact, from the 2030 will die more than eight million people a year, most of these deaths take place in countries with lower income.

Tobacco is responsible for almost nine out of ten cases of lung cancer, the most common in the world and also causes other types of cancer as the of esophagus, larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, pancreas, stomach and cervix.

The Pasaialdea area has a percentage of smokers, both men and women, far superior to that of the rest of Gipuzkoa. Pasaialdea, 33% of smokers and smokers in Gipuzkoa 26 28% and 20% respectively.

Entrega del premio al escaparate de farmacia

Igualmente, las intervenciones que engloban a diferentes agentes sociales y sanitarios se considera que tienen mayores posibilidades de éxito en la lucha contra el tabaquismo.

For these reasons, the Subdirectorate of public health in Gipuzkoa and the Comarca Gipuzkoa sanitary, Osakidetza have decided to develop an intervention health with a new Community approach in the territory. The aim is to reduce the number of smokers as

so it has, through their professional associations, with the collaboration of pharmacies and dentists in the area for derived people who want to quit smoking to health centres. Participating pharmacies will be a distinctive. Companies of more than 30 employees have contacted through OSALAN so that their medical services can make the same work that pharmacies and dentists.

For pharmacies, in addition, has been a contest of shop Windows with messages about the interference of the tobacco smoking prevention. The College of dentists de Gipuzkoa, for its part, renews its commitment to the fight against smoking by making available of this initiative 34 dental clinics existing in the region, so that patients who come to the dentist will receive information about the effects of smoking and those who wish to leave the tobacco will be derived units of the health centres in the region.

Representantes de las organizaciones participantes en la campaña

Junto con el Departamento de Educación, en el curso 2012-13 y entre los los alumnos de ESO de los centros educativos de la zona, se va a realizar un concurso para el diseño del logo de la iniciativa y otro la elaboración de vídeos con mensajes centrados en los beneficios de no fumar, so that the same be disseminated among the young population.
Councils have been informed of the initiative and having a reception very positive.