the College of physiotherapists requests of Madrid for more control over advertising and health training

during a meeting with the Vice-Counsellor of health, Bethlehem Prado

-representative of more than 7,300 Madrid physiotherapists institution has sent its proposals to the Sub-Department of health management and infrastructure of the community of Madrid

Madrid, January 2012- the Dean of the College professional physiotherapists of the community of Madrid (CPFCM), Carlos Valiente; and the Secretary general, José Santos, gathered at the headquarters of the Ministry of health with the Vice-Counsellor of health management and infrastructure of the community of Madrid, Prado Bethlehem, and the general director of management and inspection, Paloma Martín, in order to move the proposals of the sector.

In this sense, they have addressed control measures on training non-compulsory studies on non-conventional therapies, and possible misleading advertising offered to citizens.

During their meeting, the collegiate institution has moved its concern in the teaching of Reiki and other complementary therapies in public hospitals, since, as explained, certain training centres of these therapies advertised his pupils that can be practice in public hospitals of the health network of the community of Madrid.

For its part, from the Ministry of health have committed to take into account such practices and to avoid all those involving a misleading for the user.

Also has been known to the Department offering courses on skills of physical therapist that they perform certain training centres private, and stated that, in this respect, continue to denounce against public administration cases of misleading advertising which they may incur such centres.

With regard to non-health centres that offer services of complementary therapies for therapeutic purpose, those responsible for the Madrid school pointed out that in this kind of centres not met with the legislation, that the practice of non-conventional therapies should be performed by qualified persons, and in these cases, are offered non medical people and without a formal qualifications that will enable them.

In relation to these demands, since the Council has passed that the purpose of updating the law of management of the health professions to provide a legislative proceedings such development is value.

Finally, the professional College of physiotherapists has offered to advise the Administration on the control of health advertising of the centers of physiotherapy, taking as a model the provision in force in the region of Murcia.

In addition, proposed ways of collaboration to promote and instill a culture health citizenship, running from the professional school with the support of the Ministry of health, with the aim of promulgating a culture of health education and always bear in mind that health problems should be treated by health professionals.

Professional College of physiotherapists of the community of Madrid

The College professional physiotherapists of the community of Madrid is an organization representing more than 7,300 physiotherapists at the regional level. Its objectives are the safeguard of the principles of ethics and ethical physical therapy, the defence and promotion of health and welfare of the citizens of the community of Madrid, in collaboration with public authorities, as well as the promotion level scientific, culturalEconomic and social of the collegiate.