The crisis has caused that the treatment of the doctor to the patient becomes more human ”

300 specialists address in Malaga the main pathologies affecting the view and its innovations in Diagnostics and treatments in the XLV Congress of the society Andalusian of Ophthalmology (SAO)

-the meeting of Andalusian ophthalmologists reaches a level very high ” and presenting the latest ” sector

Malaga. January of 2013- the economic crisis may also have a positive reading. In the words of the Secretary general of the Andalusian society of Ophthalmology (SAO), Dr. Miguel Giménez of the Linde, in public health, the crisis is affecting in a negative way in the sense that there are more difficulties, and of course cuts, but on the other hand, the doctor has noticed that we must treat the patient with more humanityand optimize available resources and manage medication in the best possible way ”.

Linde Gimenez made this Declaration in the framework of the XLV Congress of the society Andalusian of Ophthalmology, which was held in Malaga from 24 January and which closed last Saturday 26. The ophthalmologist explained that the private sector is also being affected by the recession in the sense that patients think enough surgeries very costly if they are not necessary. ”

Congress has counted with the presence of more than 300 attendees, among which has risen greatly the participation of young doctors ” and a scientific level excellent and very interesting ”. Linde Gimenez stressed that the impression is very positive and we are very happy with the level of the speakers. ”

cataract surgery, femtosecond laser.

Also in this sense, the ophthalmologist and Rapporteur of the meeting of the SAO, the doctor Laureano Álvarez de Rementería, said that in this edition are present all the latest in refractive surgery, such as cataract, glaucoma. A Congress is very short, but very intense, and it is becoming increasingly more cutting-edge (avant-garde) regarding inventions. ”

each year more people outside of Andalusia come to our conferences due to the great prestige that society is getting ”, continued Rementería Alvarez, what Linde Gimenez added that it’s a great honour having speakers and attendees throughout national. ”

two ophthalmologists agreed that Andalusia is the latest in training of medical specialists, both in relation to the technological level of hospitals.