Doctors we rebel against cuts.

Spain, 2012-February release of the schoolboy medical organization, adopted by the General Assembly held on 28 January 2012:

1. The económico‐financiera crisis has led to the national system of health (SNS) to a critical situation that requires solutions from top political bodies of our country.

2. As a result of the cuts, our SNS lives a situation of unprecedented difficulty, which makes it difficult to its operation, which is taking advantage to modify working conditions and remuneration of doctors in a permanent and irreversible way.

3. The medical profession should not accept cuts in health financing resulting in loss of quality in assistance to their patients, especially when its effects fall into the most poor, weak, elderly, disadvantaged and defenceless.

4. The doctor must reject indiscriminate, disproportionate cuts, denounce its consequences and rebelling against them. Doctors are obliged to denounce shortcomings, insofar as they may affect the correct care of patients.

5. Doctors and citizens should be involved in the use of health services. Contribute proactively to improve the efficiency and the quality of the SNS, offering our collaboration and commitment in making decisions, will be that the measures taken do not negatively affect assistance.

6. The medical profession has repeatedly demanded broad political agreement to introduce reforms and changes needed to improve the functioning of the SNS in which have involved professionals and citizenship.

7 Job precariousness and lack of opportunities requires doctors to look for work outside Spain, posed an economic and intellectual waste.

8 We are very concerned about the consequences of the cuts in two groups particularly vulnerable doctors for being the future of the NHS such as MIR doctors and doctors dedicated to research.

9. In spite of the crisis situation and cuts in the SNS defence without reservation, of the quality of the medical Act, is an essential part of our commitment.