55% Of consultations in dermoestetica are people aged 35 to 59 years. This group grew, but in general all rose strongly in recent years and is expected to further increase from the arrival of new techniques. In this strip age men consult by themes of baldness and women by wrinkles of speech, facial flaccidity and photoaging.

Approximately 25% of queries

corresponds to the group aged 25 to 34 years, and in this group, men also consult for baldness while women consulted more by cellulite, flabbiness, adiposity, principle of wrinkles or lack of lighting on the face. Finally, 20% of the queries perform people of 60 years onwards and focus more on facial furrows, loss of elasticity or stains.

For all these diseases can offer new and different options from the dermoestética:

* Homeopathic Mesotherapy: operation is equal to the conventional Mesotherapy, consists of injecting small amounts of homeopathic medicines to the patient by intradermal or subcutaneous. Doses are minimal and have low frequency of application. The advantage is the use of designs of homeopathic formulas that allow you to get the same results as with conventional medications but total absence of side effects. This happens because injectable homeopathic diluted in water to prevent damage to the fabric by disorders Ionic.

Another variable to highlight is that injections, in other words, the micropunturas are carried out in acupuncture points thus combining the stimulation of acupuncture with the drugs injected as well as conventional Mesotherapy techniques also with the same drugs.

* Mesolifting: Mesotherapy is used to achieve a lifting effect. It involves the application of different active ingredients in its base restorative such as Silicon, and the laureth. It usually indicates from 40 years to regain tonicity, facial framework and eliminate the depth of the grooves. A session is done every 15 days during the first month and then, two to three sessions per month for maintenance.

* Mesoglow: consists in applying the Mesotherapy to combat the opacity of the skin, give light and brightness, putting the natural deterioration and repair damage by external factors. You can use vitamin C, DNA and trace elements. It is indicated, for example, in cases of smoking that possess a more opaque skin from the effects of smoking and can also be used in prior to any event that requires a light skin and a shiny face. A session is done every 15 days during the first month and then, two to three sessions per month for maintenance.

* Termolipólisis: the procedure is a team of thermotherapy that allows the application of termodifusoras bands, which placed in contact with the skin acting emitting long wave infrared radiation. In this way, the emitted heat is transmitted to the tissue, stimulating fat metabolism of the cells and reducing the backlog of tissue I fat. In addition, activates blood circulation benefiting the oxygenation of tissues.

* Rejuvenate: consists in applying high power ultrasonic waves that create lots of nanoburbujas which will then come to a size such that implosionarán releasing energy for pressure release fat from the body into the bloodstream.

This will allow to be metabolized and eliminated by the lymphatic system and the urine.

All treatments are indicated in each case particular and previous diagnosis of the patient to indicate the most convenient in every case and thus get the best results.

By: Dr. Andrea Pichel (112505 MN), a medical specialist in dermoestetica in Halitus Dermatology and aesthetic