Registration for part of the health surveillance National Agency (Anvisa) of Brazil of the special kids of the benznidazole dose was announced Friday by the Secretary of science, technology and strategic products of the Ministry of health, Carlos Gadelha, at a meeting of specialists in Rio de Janeiro.

Registration will allow the immediate production and marketing of paediatric, unpublished formulation in the world and which was developed through an agreement between a Brazilian State laboratory and the international organization initiative medicines for the neglected diseases (DNDi).

“The laboratory pharmacist public of Pernambuco (Lafepe) only expected registration to begin production, by which you calculate the medicine will be released this month,” said a source from the DNDi. In addition, the registration of the Brazil formulation may streamline procedures in neighbouring countries, where was also requested authorization for the sale of the medicine.

“The procedures already developed in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia and Paraguay”, added the same source. The agreement with the DNDi provides the Lafepe produce the version for children of the benzonidazol and circulate at cost price in the 21 countries of South and Central America, in which the disease is endemic and that there would be between eight and 10 million people with the parasite in their blood.

El Lafepe, second largest laboratory public of Brazil, is currently the only Latin America with the production technology of the benzonidazol, which was transferred by the multinational Roche to the Brazilian Government. But as there is no medicine against Chagas disease made specifically for children, now the drug for adults is broken into several fragments, even by up to 12, to be supplied to the juvenile

However, specialists consider that this fragmentation can reduce the effectiveness of the medicine used to fight a disease that causes nearly 12 thousand deaths a year, and is more deadly than malaria in America.

According to the DNDi, new Tablet is easier to administer and guarantees a treatment safer for babies and children under the age of two years from now will receive the dose exact.