The Government has agreed to this Council of Ministers Friday appointed Joaquín Arenas Barber new director of the Institute of health Carlos III (ISCIII) on the proposal of the Ministry of health, social services and equality and in accordance with the Ministry of economy and competitiveness.

Joaquín Arenas Barber (Madrid, 1956) has a wide experience in the management of research in various areas. Graduated in Pharmacy and doctor in medicine and surgery, formed as a researcher in the service of Clinical Biochemistry of the Hospital 12 de October de Madrid, in the Department of Neurology of the Institute Besta Carlo in Milan and H. Houston Merritt for Neurologic and Metabolic Disordes of Columbia University, in New York.

Has been head of laboratory of diseases Neurometabólicas of October 12 and head of Biochemistry clinic of Hospital Gregorio Marañón in Madrid. Has also been Assistant Medical Director for research and teaching, and director of the Foundation for the investigation of the Hospital 12 de Octubre, director of research area of the Laín Entralgo Agency of the community of Madrid and associate professor of the Department of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid.

As part of his scientific activity, he has been principal investigator for eight consecutive projects of the Fund of health research and the National Plan of research. He also authored more than 200 articles in international journals, especially in the field of Neurology and genetics clinic.

Since 2005 is Assistant Director-general of evaluation and promotion of research and, since 2008, by designation of the direction of the ISCIII, plays also the post of Deputy Director-general of cooperative research centres and networks.