the guardians are the axis of the educational system.

-guardians are considered by internal resident doctors (look) as professional models of learning and value their experience as a guide and reference when troubleshooting

– with the aim of contributing to the improvement of some of the powers, and at the same time, serve as a forum for the exchange of experience, is held in Zaragoza, the guardians day of training specialized Sector II, with the support of the AstraZeneca Foundation

Zaragoza, June of 2011- MIR guardians are the axis of the educational system. The guardians are considered by internal resident doctors (look) as professional models of learning and value their experience as a guide and reference when solving problems.

guardian means Guide and support in the development. The guardian has to find the necessary means to enable the work of research and find a balance between the health care, teaching and research work. It also requires skills and social competence.

for carrying out all functions it is necessary to strengthen the figure of the guardian through continuous training, the specification of the time devoted to tutoring in his work and the recognition by law its functions. There are many ways to reward the agent: recognized authority, career, teacher training, or aid to the training

in order to contribute to the improvement of some of the powers, and at the same time, serve as a forum for the exchange of experience, is celebrated the day of guardians of training specialized Sector II, with the support of the AstraZeneca Foundation.

training dedicated to healthcare professionals is one of the primary objectives of the AstraZeneca Foundation. This year, the Foundation has worked in various initiatives, including, because of its importance, this day of training tutors ”, said Carmen Gonzalez, Manager of Foundation AstraZeneca.

skills and social.

professional skills among the theoretical knowledge and know-how of each specialty and more generic competencies as the critical capacity, self-education and generate generalizable knowledge to improve health care for patients.

between the social skills, a solid training in values, to give support and justification for the good professional practice, and the ability of motivation are essential and drag ” towards the necessary considered goals.

about the AstraZeneca Foundation.

the AstraZeneca Foundation is a not-for-profit organization, created to support both to professionals of the medicine and research in their different fields, as well as to promote the modernization of the Spanish health structure to cooperate in the area of health. All this with the goal of achieving an improvement in the quality of life of citizens

main activities developed by the Foundation are structured on the basis of six blocks: clinical research, training continued, dependency, forums of debate and analysis of health policy studies, training/information to patients in various pathologies and awards and grants.