in Halloween the health of your eyes is the first thing

El Ópticos-Optometristas General Schools Council recalls that cosmetic contact lenses require a prior customized adaptation by a óptico-optometrista

-only lenses adapted by a óptico-optometrista guarantee the highest levels of security.

– Although the cosmetic lenses are for short time periodsThey must follow the same recommendations with corrective contact lenses.

Madrid, October 2011.- The use of cosmetic lenses as a complement to the costumes, particularly in festivals such as Halloween is becoming more frequent. However, behind the playful aspect exist certain risks if we use cosmetic without having been prescribed and adapted by a óptico-optometrista contact lenses. These lenses corrective, designed only to modify the appearance of the eyes, are not easily affordable, especially through the Internet, bazaars, beauty centers and other non-authorized establishments where there is not any kind of control or guarantee of security.

The President of the Council General of schools of Ópticos-Optometristas, Juan Carlos Martínez Moral insists that cosmetic contact lenses are medical devices of individual adaptation and must meet the same requirements and parameters that corrective lenses, which is why necessarily should be adapted by a professional óptico-optometrista in a health establishment of optics ”. Only a óptico-optometrista can assess whether a patient is suitable for the use of contact lenses, adapt the lenses correctly and to determine if the patient can carry them without problems ”, adds.

Consequences of incorrect use

The General Council of Ópticos-Optometristas schools warns that the consequences of improper use or lack of prior adaptation by a óptico-optometrista include hypoxia corneal, which gives rise to problems of oxygenation in the cornea, ocular allergic reactions and the corneal ulcers, derived from the presence of germs or incorrect handling of the lenses. Ulcers, also increase the risk of eye infection.

Martínez Moral explains that the prescription of a professional vision is essential, it is necessary to educate patients on the cleaning and disinfection and the correct positioning and handling of contact lenses. Without the supervision and the instructions provided by a professional, people who use this type of contact lenses are at risk of infection, or even significant damage ”.

Decalogue of good use of the cosmetic lenses

To avoid any of these problems to the extent possible, the General Council of Ópticos-Optometristas schools has developed a Decalogue which must be taken into account when purchasing fantasy contact lenses:

1 – are you suitable? Not all people are suitable to wear contact lenses, even for a short space of time. Only a óptico-optometrista can assess whether a patient is suitable for the use of contact lenses.

2 – Custom adaptation. It is essential to go to a óptico-optometrista to do custom adaptation of contact lenses, because all eyes are not equal nor all the lenses have the same measures.

3 – Professional supervision. Follow all signs of the óptico-optometrista in the proper use and maintenance.

4 – Lenses are not a toy. And, therefore, not must be purchased in bazaars, markets or other non-authorized points of sale, that, in this case, they are not subject to any control or security measure.

5 – Hygiene. It is advisable to wash and dry hands well before to manipulate them.

6 – Always clean. Clean the lenses of contact in a careful manner and on a regular basis, following the specific instructions of your óptico-optometrista. Rubbed the contact lenses with fingers and rinse them thoroughly before submerge in the solution overnight.

7 – Conservation. To preserve the lenses properly should always save in a portalentes and use only the maintenance solutions prescribed by the óptico-optometrista. Saline and moisturizing drops are not designed to disinfect lenses.

8 – Beware of the cleaning solutions. The solution should never be reused to clean and store contact lenses. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and changes the liquid when provided, even if the lenses are not used on a daily basis.

9 – Use and duration. You must not use lenses more hours of recommended or beyond the date that has to discard them. You must not sleep with them.

10 – Periodic review. It is advisable to perform regular Visual reviews if you decide to use the contact lenses with regularity.