Dr. Juan Jesús Cruz, new President of the SEOM.

-is Chief of medical oncology of the University Clinical Hospital of Salamanca service

– assumed the Presidency on 20 October, after the General Assembly of partners

-DRA. Pilar Garrido López, Chief of section of the service of medical oncology at the Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, has been elected Vice-President

Málaga, 2011-October the Dr. Juan Jesús Cruz has assumed the Presidency of the Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM)After the General Assembly of members, held on October 20, 2011 in Malaga, in the 13th National Congress SEOM, after occupying the position as Vice President for two years.

At the same meeting elected the candidate for the partial renewal of the Board of Directors of SEOM, which fell to the Group of medical Oncologists who has spearheaded the DRA. Pilar Garrido López, Chief of section of the service of medical oncology at the Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, which shall exercise two years as Vice President for past that time relieve the President.

The new 2011-2013 Board of the Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica is composed of the following doctors:

President: Dr. Juan Jesús Cruz, Chief of service of medical oncology of the University Clinical Hospital of Salamanca.

Vice-President: DRA. Pilar Garrido López, Chief of section of the service of medical oncology at the Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Madrid.

Treasurer: Dr. Agustí Barnadas, Chief of service of Oncology medical of the Hospital of la Santa Creu i San Pau de Barcelona

vocal: Dr. Francisco Javier Barón Duarte, medical oncologist in the service of medical oncology of the University Hospital complex of Santiago.

Dr. Paul Borrega García, head of the unit of Oncology medical of the Hospital San Pedro de Alcantara in Cáceres.

DRA. Elvira del Barco Morillo, medical oncologist in the service of medical oncology of the University Clinical Hospital of Salamanca.

DRA. Rocío García Carbonero, medical oncologist in the service of Oncology medical of the Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío in Sevilla.

Dr. Jesús García Mata, Chief of service of Oncology medical of the Hospital Santa Maria Nai of Ourense.

DRA. Encarnación González Flores, medical oncologist in the service of Oncology medical of the Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves in Granada.

DRA. Pilar Lianes Barragán, Chief of medical oncology of the Barcelona Mataró Hospital service.

Dr. Antonio Llombart Cussac, Chief of medical oncology at the Hospital Arnau of Vilanova in Valencia service.

Dr. Fernando Rivera Herrero, medical oncologist in the service of Oncology medical of Hospital Universitario Marqués Valdecilla in Santander.

Brief biography of Prof. Juan Jesús Cruz

Prof. Juan Jesús Cruz Hernández graduated in medicine in 1974 and obtained his degree of doctor in medicine and surgery, obtaining the qualification of outstanding Cum Laude ” (1978) by the University of Salamanca.

He is a specialist in internal medicine and medical oncology. He did his training in medical oncology at the Institute of tumors in Milan. In 1984 created the Medical Oncology Unit at the University of Salamanca Hospital and Chief of medical oncology service, he was appointed in 1995, being reference in Castilla y León service since 1989 and with the accreditation of MIR in medical oncology teaching since 1987. Starts in his years of graduate teaching assistant and get the square of an adjunct professor of pathology and clinical medicine in 1982. In 1997 he obtained the Chair of medical oncology of the University of Salamanca. It is of several national and international scientific journals publishing Director, Member of the Spanish society of medical oncology (SEOM), European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO), American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and the National Commission of the specialty of medical oncology.

Founder President of the Castellano-Leonesa society of Oncology (ACLO) and the group Spanish in treatment of tumors of head and neck (TTCC).

He was part of the initial core of the Centre for research on cancer in Salamanca (CIC), which is currently Principal investigator. Coordinator of the area of Oncohemathology of the Institute bio of Salamanca (IBSAL).

Academic of number of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Salamanca which is presently the general Secretary.
Has been Vice-Dean of the Faculty of medicine for 10 years and currently is the director of the postgraduate title, Master: support and palliative care in cancer patient treatment ” and director of the doctoral program in Clinical Oncology and a member of the Council of Government of the University of Salamanca (USAL).

his research work focuses on 183 publications on cancer topics (average per article impact index: 3.1), as well as 230 communications to congresses and 20 directed thesis (5 with an extraordinary award). His works focus mainly in breast cancer, both clinical and translational levels and cancer of head and neck; being currently President of the Spanish group of tumors of head and neck (TTCC). Evaluator of projects of FIS, ANECA and ANEP.

He is a member of the Academy program.

It has recognized 6 steps teachers and 5 steps of research. It is award Meztu Maria ” research excellence.

He is also editor of 10 books on cancer topics and over 80 chapters of books of the specialty.

About SEOM

The Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM) is a scientific entity that integrates more than 1,500 medical specialists in Oncology and whose purpose is to advance in the fight against cancer. The SEOM cares to continuously update the scientific knowledge of its specialists and promotes the exchange between national and foreign professionals for scientific purposes.

It is the benchmark of opinion about the Spain Oncology and sailing to that from the services of medical oncology offers a quality of excellence, encouraging study and research on cancer.

The SEOM is committed to informing and educating in Oncology, the different groups: doctor, health administration, patients and general public, pharmaceutical industry and means of communication.

With regard to health education for the society Spanish in regards to cancer, the SEOM participates actively in the prevention of this disease, through the promotion of health outreach and prevention initiatives aimed at the general population, and the financing of research projects for cancer patients.

The SEOM considers it essential to stress the importance of primary prevention of cancer with healthy living habits (avoid obesity, smoking and sedentary lifestyle), vaccines in early diagnosis and the role of the units of genetic counselling where can help families with increased susceptibility to cancer.