Hospital of Torrejón Nhat 571 patients in its first day of operation.

at 8: 45 pm, Maria Pilar Givica became the first patient attended in this Center

-the most in demand specialties have been ENT, ophthalmology and dermatology

-the hospital already has 5.578 patients referred for the coming months

Madrid, 2011-September A total of 571 patients have been treated last Thursday in the new public hospital in Torrejón in its first day of operation. 8: 45 A.m., María Pilar Givica, natural Torrejón de Ardoz, became the first patient of this Center to be attended in the Traumatology service consultation. The service that more patients has been is Otolaryngology, 75, followed by the services of Ophthalmology, dermatology, cardiology and paediatrics.

Torrejón hospital boasts 5.578 patients referred for the coming months, Torrejón was one of the new health centres in reference to the East of the Henares corridor. The citizens of Torrejón de Ardoz, Ajalvir, Daganzo de Arriba, Fresno de Torote and Ribatejada, population of the area allocated to the Centre, already have their medical history in the new hospital in Torrejón. The new hospital will have all its services into operation from October 13 to the implementation underway of emergencies.

This hospital, the number ten of the new jobs in service since 2003, has 250 beds in single rooms and give health coverage to 136,000 residents of Torrejón de Ardoz, Ajalvir, Daganzo de Arriba, Fresno de Torote and Ribatejada, although with the introduction in the Madrid health of free choiceany Madrid may, if desired, be treated in this Centre.

Implementation of the hospital will be made gradually, in three weeks, so 21 days all specialties will be available to citizens. This calendar of opening represents a milestone in the implementation of hospitals, as it condenses the tasks that before undertaking more time in three weeks.

In addition, have been ongoing consultations and complementary exploratory testing. Between September 29 and October 5 come into operation the operating room for surgery without income, the intensive care unit, medical and surgical day hospital and dialysis. And, finally, between October 6 and October 13 will begin the activity of surgery with income, maternity, hospitalization and emergencies.

Able resolve 95% of the health care needs

This hospital has a portfolio of services able to solve the 95 per cent of the care needs of patients in its zone of influence and provides, among other services and facilities for 20 posts of hospitalization day, 10 operating theaters, 16 posts of dialysis, six dislodgement, 83 posts urgency89 queries and cabinets, 5 digital systems of Radiology, 10 scanners, 2 TAC multicorte and high field magnetic resonance.

It will, also, a leading technology with digital radiology, and electronic medical history so that practitioners will share the story of his patients in real time and may request from any point diagnostic tests immediately displaying the results, even in the operating room.

The new public hospital in Torrejón has a wide portfolio of services and medical specialties such as allergology, digestive system, cardiology, Endocrinology and nutrition, geriatrics, hematology and haemotherapy, medicine internal, Nephrology, Pulmonology, Neurology, medical oncologyPsychiatry, rehabilitation and Rheumatology. Between the surgical specialties, the hospital will include general and digestive surgery, dermatology, ophthalmology, ENT, orthopedic surgery and orthopedic surgery and Urology.

On the other hand the Torrejón hospital will have maternal specialties: neonatology and Obstetrics/Gynecology and Pediatrics. Furthermore, will have central facilities in all hospital: admission and clinical documentation, clinical analysis, pathological anatomy, Anesthesiology and resuscitation, patient care, Bank of blood, palliative care, hospital pharmacy and hospitalization at domicile.