El Hospital Provincial de Castellón debuts a TC of latest technology.

the new team will be very useful in the diagnosis of the cancer and allow Cardiology studies.

Castellon, July 2012.- the service of Radiology of the Consortium hospital Provincial de Castellón has a new team of computerized tomography (CT) of the highest range for clinical use that there is today, to be used mainly to cancer diagnosis.

The main advantages of this team – the fourth of these features that are in Spain – have been tabled, on 25 June, to health professionals on a day in which Angela Pinto, responsible for Siemens CT intervened.

With the purchase of this equipment, the Provincial Hospital goes one step further in the process of modernization and efficiency which aims to offer a quality health service to the lledo ”, as expressed by the directors of the Centre, Nicolas Martinez and Miguel Llorens.

In this same sense ruled the deputy general director of healthcare, Enrique Ballester, who stressed the importance of technology to advance treatments and pointed out that the new scanner will contribute to this given the advantages that presents for the diagnosis.

For its part, the Deputy delegate of the Hospital, Susan Marquis, referred to the continuous improvement that characterized the Center which translates to the satisfaction of the patients who appreciate the professionalism of the personnel and equipment of high technology available to the hospital ”.

De izquierda a derecha: el director económico del Consorcio, Miguel Llorens; el subdirector de Asistencia Sanitaria, Enrique Ballester; la diputada Susana Marqués; la responsable de TC de Siemens, Angela de Pinto; el director gerente, Nicolás Martínez; y el jefe del Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico del Consorcio, Miguel Angel Santamaría.

The new team, called Somaton Definition Flash ” of Siemens, is a scanner of double source that delivers unprecedented images and performs fast, detailed studies in record time and with a significant reduction of the dose of radiation that the patient receives.

The radiaciacion of the new TC represents one tenth of the registered in conventional scanners and now equates to a simple x-ray. This is very important because the CT scan is one of radiological techniques most commonly used to diagnose cancer, assess its extent and know responses to treatments.

Technology of this new multidetector computer with two x-ray tube surrounding the patient’s body at the same time, considerably reduces the time of exploration with respect to other conventional equipment. Therefore also reduces the amount of intravenous contrast that requires the patient to make him exploration.

Given the speed and high resolution on your computer, the process ranging from the preparation of the patient up the diagnosis is possible in a few minutes.

Cardiology reviews

another of exploration that will allow the new team and that until now could not performed in the Castellon Centre are the cardiology studies, since fast acquisition and high-resolution images encourage the accurate survey of the condition of the arteries and the analysis of the extent of myocardial infarction.

The computer allows complete scanners of the entire area of the chest in just 0.6 seconds, so patients no longer have to hold your breath during the test.

In less than half the time of what hard a heartbeat can be a coronary study complete.

Computer system

A very important part of the acquired system is the powerful computing platform that allows the storage and management of images. From their workstations, radiologists have access to applications that in the Oncology field, evaluate the injury before and after the treatment.

Virtual colonoscopies can also be since the computer system automatically generates endoscopic images of the inside of the colon and detects the presence of possible polyps.