incapacity for work as a result of osteoarthritis

third of all labor in Spain disabilities as well as consultations in primary care is due to osteoarthritis.

Spain, June 2012.- arthritis causes more than 30% of labor disabilities in the country, both permanent and temporary, as explained in the article ¨como beat the published artrosis¨ the 15th of last month on the web site of the Barcelona newspaper La Vanguardia. Part, indicates that arthritis causes 35% of consultations in primary care.

That condition belongs to the Group of rheumatic diseases which, according to the conclusions of the XXXII Congress of the Spanish society of Rheumatology, held in 2006, are the first cause of any of the four degrees of permanent disability – partial, total, absolute and large disability – and the third of temporary incapacity for work. In addition, half of the casualties caused by rheumatic diseases are precisely affected patients by arthritis or, in other words, about 17% of the Spanish population. Therefore, in order to reduce this statistic, is recommended to meet several requirements – monitor weight, avoid heels, exercise moderately, and in the most difficult cases, help of a cane – as it is considered that the parts of the body most affected by osteoarthritis are the joints of the handthe hip and the knee. Another very common location is in the spine, particularly in the lumbar and cervical area.

Taking into account that it is the pioneer in the defence of persons seeking to receive a permanent, caused disability pension as either osteoarthritis or other ailments, as well as occupational accidents, the law medical group tries to make echo of this news. At the same time, it reaffirms his spirit does not give any lost, provided there is a solid medical and legal basis.