new the drug law ” authorises and regulates the prescription of drugs by the nursing.

Nursing of Bizkaia welcomed the normalization of their legal status in the practical clinical daily

-regulation of prescribing nurse passed in the Congress of Deputies comes to solve an untenable situation of legal uncertainty that were engaged nurses of all Spain.

-the previous text forbidding nurses take any decision with regard to drugsHowever, the reality health and medical evidence that nurses, for decades, medications prescribed in hundreds of clinics and health care interventions.

-Projected changes in the ‘ law of the drug ’ will return legal certainty to all these actions nurses among which would be the Pediatric vaccination and adults (including seasonal flu and flu), cures ulcers and wounds, administration of analgesia, among many others.

Bilbao, December 2009.-The nursing of Bizkaia is in luck. Not in vain, the plenary of the Congress of Deputies has approved unanimously, and after obtaining the approval of the Senate last week, a proposition of law to amend the law 29/2006 of 26 July, on guarantees and rational use of medicines and health products (popularly known as ‘ drug law ’)submitted by the Socialist parliamentary group in the Congress of Deputies. This amendment is to regulate prescribing nurse, or what is the same the indication, use and dispensation of drugs authorization ” by these professionals. It should be noted that the final text adopted is the result of consensus and dialogue between the different parliamentary groups in the Congress and the health professions.

Modification of the ‘ law of the drug ’ supported at the Congress establishes that nurses in an autonomous way, may indicate, use and authorize – i.e. prescribe – the dispensation of all those not subject to prescription medicines and health products, through the corresponding recipe. Also, this proposition of law establishes that the Government will regulate the indication, use and authorisation of dispensing of certain medicines subject to prescription by nurses, in the framework of the principles of the comprehensive health care and for the continuum of care through the implementation of care and clinical practice guidelines and protocolsjoint elaboration, agreed with collegiate organizations of doctors and nurses and validated by the Agency of quality of the national health system ”.

Assessment of the General Council of nursing

María José García Etxaniz, President of the College of nursing of Bizkaia, was present in Madrid to attend the final adoption of the amendment of this law. As has been stated, this policy change returns legal certainty at 7,000 nurses and nurses that we exercise in Bizkaia and the rest of compañeras and compañeros of the Basque country ”.

For García Etxaniz, the consensus reached by all political formations is an example of maturity and common sense, true capacity for dialogue and real knowledge of the functioning of public health, making take precedence, above all, the quality of care, the needs of patients and the safetyboth citizens and the main health professions ”.

The President of the nursing of Bizkaia has emphasized that is a measure that benefits first and foremost to the patients, and second to all the health professions we care them on a daily basis, i.e. both nurses and doctors ”.

Prescribing nurse: a practice

For its part, the President of the General Nursing Council, maximum González jury, has ensured that this amendment of the ‘ the drug law ’ will put an end to an intolerable situation of legal uncertainty for nurses working in Spain. Prior to the amendment approved today text forbidding these professionals take any decision with regard to drugs, becoming illegal a great part of the clinical proceedings made by nurses in hospitals, health centres, social centres and occupational health of business services. In this sense, it has emphasized that nurses, in the exercise of their professional skills, for decades more than 200 medicines prescribed in 170 clinical and healthcare interventions.

The College Presidents have pointed out that while this amendment to the law of the medicinal product is not published in the Official Gazette, nurses continue to commit an illegality, defined in the legal system as alleged crime of professional intrusion ” every time you heal a wound or an ulcer (using drugs to cure without a medical indication)When they decide to administer a painkiller lodging, a patient when they inject the vaccine for flu without individualized medical indication, when valued patients with influenza and mild cases result them to his house with a therapeutic Board that includes prescription drug – as it is happening in many autonomous communities –, when attending workers with some type of health problem in the services of occupational health of corporations, etc.