the new Lipoláser ® technique, the solution less aggressive and more secure for the aesthetic of the fat elimination

New techniques of liposuction advanced.

Barcelona, February 2010.- research and technology have become the new ally of beauty and aesthetics. The most advanced techniques enable new treatments more secure and less aggressive with the body. Between the techniques of liposuction or remodelling of the figure, the most innovative trend is the Lipoláser technique. The technical lipoláser in Barcelona has introduced IDERMA (Institute of advanced Dermatology), Dermatology and laser Unidad-Plataforma of the prestigious Barcelona clinic DEXEUS University Institute USP service, is a minimally invasive procedure that allows at the same meeting to correct body shape and tighten skin.

The Lipoláser technique offers two very important developments that become benefits for patients. First, the laser platform ASPIRE ®, which is used to perform this procedure, is the only one possessing a small fiber flexible only 1.5 mm very different to the traditional conventional liposuction cannulas. It introduces into the area to deal with a very small incision that barely leaves scars. Once inside, flexible cannula allows to scroll through the area to be treated with greater accuracy.

Secondly, the platform Aspire ® uses a laser diode that emits two different wavelengths during treatment. The 924 nm wavelength has high affinity for fatty tissue and destroys fat and another of 975nm which promotes skin firmness.

Specialists in this technique, the dermatologist Dr. Josep González Castro and surgeon Dr. Carlos j. Cano, IDERMA, consider that it is suitable for the correction of fatty deposits located and especially recommended when it comes to correcting small excess of fat in sensitive areas like neckChin, inner side of the arms or legs or rebel areas in which neither diet nor exercise have been successful, as abdominal fat, cartridge, buttocks, etc.

This technique is also little traumatic and aggressive for the patient. Performed with local anesthesia and requires no hospitalization. Dr. Gonzalez explains that are only small incisions that barely leave scar but more important is the ability of this type of laser to destroy fat and at the same time provoke a tensor effect in tissues which will take not this skin flaccidity. Bleeding is minimal, there are fewer hematomas, less pain and fewer surgical risks, and that is the big difference and the big advantage with traditional liposuction ”.

Technique Lipolaser, a process in three steps

After a medical checkup, a minimal incision is made to introduce a flexible scope of 1, 5 mm diameter, at whose end the laser energy is transmitted in the subcutaneous fat. Then destroys the fatty tissue through a physical-chemical phenomenon of liquefaction (an effect known as lipolysis). The fat is converted into a liquid emulsion that is left to the body reabsorb or can be removed through aspiration by a cannula. The affinity of the laser by fat makes only destroying the fat, not destroy or damage other tissues. Working with transillumination through the luz-guía that has fiber, allowing to control with ease the process and the exact position of the same.

In parallel, the laser causes clotting of the small vessels in the adipose tissue and stimulates the reorganization of collagen in the dermis surface causing the retraction of the skin and the formation of collagen induction. This effect of the laser not only prevents flaccidity, characteristic after traditional liposuction, but it also produces an important reaffirmation of the treated area (similar or superior to the produced by other techniques used restorative as RF).

A two hours the patient can go home within the next 48 hours he can resume his normal life and will appreciate the results within a week. Why consider this innovative technology as the most appropriate, for comfort and results, for patients who want to tweak your figure or remove additional fat ”, concluded Dr. Carlos j. Cano of IDERMA.