Prevention and cure for caries is a matter that surrounds the middle of dental surgeons for decades. Healing does not seem so far away to be discovered. The interview with Dra. Sandra Kalil Bussadori presents some points about the creation of the vaccine against dental caries.  The

by Vanessa Navarro

Catalyst Magazine- caries is one of the most mouth problems affects the world’s population. There are statistical data that suggest what are the people most affected by the disease? >/Sandra Kalil Bussadori- caries is an infectious disease of multifactorial character. It can reach the entire population, regardless of gender and age, but is more common in children and adolescents, since they are exposed to more risk factors (may depend on supervision to food hygiene, consume more cariogenic agents, the teeth are more young people and are still suffering the maturing pós-eruptiva, among other factors). But this does not prevent adults and seniors also have the disease

.Catalyst Magazine-

caries is an infectious disease opportunistic, that if left untreated can develop a range of other diseases. What are the main pathologies that can be triggered by the action of cavities? >/Sandra Kalil Bussadori- the caries disease is characterized by the demineralization of enamel, which leads to the emergence of a cavity. When bacteria reach dentin, this structure undergoes a process of disorganization and necrosis. If not checked/handled, bacteria reach the pulp tissue, causing inflammation and infection, and may result in abscesses, septicaemia, in addition to the risk for bacterial endocarditis. The adjacent structures begin to be affected by the infectious bone degeneration process and there is also


Catalyst Magazine-the Streptococcus mutans is the main factor in the development of tooth decay due to its capacity and acidogenic acid̼rica. How scientists are working to slow the proliferation of bacteria in human mouth? /> Sandra Kalil Bussadori Рas s. mutans has the capacity to adhere to the biofilm, scientists study interfere in this mechanism of adhesion, which ranges from membrane proteins, the glicosiltransferase enzyme complex (GTF), to proteins of glicanas


Catalyst Magazine- the prevention of caries is a subject that arouses interest worldwide. Beyond prevention, researchers seek to cure this infectious disease. What are the advances made in the research on the anticárie vaccine, which has been held since 1984? >/Sandra Kalil Bussadori- studies began before 1980. There were research groups focused on the quest for a vaccine anticárie. The research lines varied. Some tried to induce immunity through injection of inativadas bacteria, others were the deployment of artificial strains or s. Mutans surface protein. There were also studies with cellular extracts and inativadas bacteria, ribosomal or studies with protein fractions of s. mutans .

Catalyst Magazine- there are three possibilities for anticárie vaccines being studied. What is the purpose of each one? >/Sandra Kalil Bussadori- the possibilities of vaccines are:

  • Induction of immune system common of mucosa, which stimulates the production of immunoglobulin A (IgA), specifies all secretions including saliva
  • .

  • Induction of systemic immune system, performed by intramuscular or subcutaneous injections where are only induced serum antibodies
  • passive Immunization with topical application of antibodies on the surface of the tooth

Catalyst Magazine- Which is the view of scholars in relation to the risk-benefit balance of the vaccine?/ > Sandra Kalil Bussadori- some scholars argue that the pharmaceutical industry still has no interest in vaccine production because profits are anticárie small compared with the risk of side effects and legal actions. But we have to think that the cost of vaccines against diseases of oral cavity should not be judged in isolation, but compared to spending on preventive and curative treatments. Caries has a cost socieconômico high. The proposals to introduce new vaccines against diseases in humans always face in economic, political and ethical aspects. In the case of vaccines anticárie one of the problems is that there are studies that show cross immune reaction with

cardiac tissue.

Catalyst Magazine- projection anticárie vaccine is an issue that brings relief or concern to health professionals/bukk? > Sandra Kalil Bussadori- eradication of a disease, or even control of the same, it is always a relief to caregivers. The important thing is that this be done without causing side effects to the population.  Unfortunately there are other diseases in the oral cavity, such as periodontal disease, bone pathologies, mucosa and oral cancer, dental injuries, halitosis … all these pathologies will continue to be treated by surgeons-dentists. In addition, there is the aesthetic dentistry and cosmetic industries. It is a mistake to think that the end of the cavity would undermine the dental class. 


Dra. Sandra Kalil Bussadori

/ > Master in dental materials – FOUSP.  PhD in Pediatric Dentistry – FOUSP.  Postgraduate Doctor in Sciences – UNIFESP/EPM.  Professor of the masters course in Rehabilitation Sciences – UNINOVE. />