From this Friday, phones of people living in 36 municipalities will receive messages with information about how to prevent disease.Alert

the Ministry of health will, from this Friday (February 4), its communication strategy to confront dengue. Text messages with guidelines to combat the disease will be sent to all mobile phones of people living in 36 municipalities in 11 States.

The torpedoes will be sent to the 24 municipalities at risk of an outbreak, appointed by the high rate of larvae of the Aedes aegypti, and 12 more cities that have incidence equal to or greater than 200 dengue cases per 100 thousand inhabitants in the last quarter of 2010


total resident population in 36 municipalities reaches 6.2 million people. The torpedoes are sent to users of all mobile operators and will focus on information about how to keep homes and workplaces free of mosquito. The message will alert you to the risk of an outbreak in the region where the person lives and will complement the phrase “take care of your home, talk with your neighbors. If you act, we can prevent disease. “

the strategy has already been taken earlier by the Ministry of health, in the campaigns of dengue and influenza H1N1. By being public utility message, the Ministry has authorization from the National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) to make the alert reach all mobile phones available, without configuring spam


“the intention is that the actions are before a possible epidemic. Hence the choice of parameter of average incidence for inclusion of municipality “, explains the Secretary of health surveillance Jarbas Barbosa Ministry. “Over the summer, other municipalities can be included in this strategy, based on the epidemiological scenario, i.e. in the notifications of suspected cases of dengue fever.”

according to the latest survey of the Quick Index of infestation by Aedes aegypti (LIRAa), released in December last year, 24 municipalities have mosquito larvae in more than 3.9% of the buildings searched, indicating risk of outbreak


the Ministry of health considers three levels of incidence of dengue to classify the disease compared to the population. The incidence is low when there are up to 100 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. From 100 to 300 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants, the incidence is average. From 300 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants, high – and may indicate
