self-monitoring of blood capillary in type 2 diabetes diagnosis favours the recovery of cell beta.

-the San Carlos study shows that self-monitoring of capillary glucose accompanied by a curriculum significantly improves glycaemic control in patients with diabetes type 2 not treated with insulin.

– has been in 161 consecutive with Diabetes patients type 2 (DM2) diagnosed between 2006 and 2007 with HbA1c < 8% and ≪ 6 months from diagnosis

Madrid, June 2011.- according to data from the National Institute of statistics (INE), it is estimated that the number of adults with diabetes around the world will rise from 135 million in the year 1995 to 300 million by the year 2025. About 95% of patients who suffer from this disease they suffer from type 2 diabetes. These figures make particularly relevant the study carried out by Dr. a. Calle Pascual, and introduced the enormously June 17 in the ’ days of latest developments in Diabesidad for AP´, whose main objective was the evaluate the benefits of managing the glycemic control through self-monitoring of capillary glucose, with the use only of hemoglobin glycosylated.

key: self-monitoring of glucose capillary.

the main objective of the ’ Studio San Carlos. Benefits of self-monitoring in Diabetes type 2 of recent diagnóstico´ is the transmit to there is a recovery of the cell beta based on the improvement of the levels of insulin and the estimation of insulin resistance as measured by HOMA-IR, without specifying other than metformin drug ”. However, Dr. Street – author of this – explains that: confirm a total healing would be excessive. Right thing to would be to talk a regression of diabetes and the obtaining of blood glucose values similar to persons who do not have this condition, that, although there is a return to stages prior to the hiperglucémica phase, probably other markers could remain altered ”.

the analysed sample comprises a total of 161 consecutive DM2 patients diagnosed between 2006 and 2007 with HbA1c < 8% and ≪ 6 months from diagnosis; still included 99 of them in a group conducting self-analysis structured capillary glucose and 62 in the group control.

defined profile of self-analysis was 6 points before and two hours after the breakfast, lunch and dinner, in an attempt to reach optimum levels throughout the day. After a thorough follow-up found that structured self-analysis group achieved a higher rate of regression defined HbA1c < 6% and reference defined by HbA1c 6 to 6.4 per cent than the control group.

This shows that when using the self-monitoring of capillary glucose in patients properly educated ”, manages to achieve the control objectives more effectively using only the hemoglobin glycosylated.

the study provides evidence consistent on the value of SMBG structured blood capillary as an educational tool for the patient and as a tool to optimize the treatment of diabetes by the professional, allowing changes active and targeted therapy.

peculiarities of the patient DM2.

as opposed to other types of diabetes, not all patients with DM2 are forced to take medication or require insulin injections; much control your blood sugar levels simply meal planning and exercise. According to Dr. Street: several studies have shown an intervention based on lifestyle changes can prevent more than 50% of cases of diabetes type 2 in patients at risk for developing. Physical exercise is a crucial parameter; at least 30 minutes a day are essential for success ”.

the role of the tools for management of blood sugar.

the great technological advances of recent decades has provided tools to help in the process of registration, interpretation and transmission of data of capillary glycemia, providing support in the process of care to the diabetic patient.

according to the DRA. Pérez Ferre, who intervened ’ new technologies applied to the monitoring of the diabetes´, these programs of management of blood glucose data or information on glycaemia managers have emerged to help extract the most out of the automonotorización of capillary glycemia, constituting a valuable and motivating educational element to the patient, learn to identify what they see, knowing where are their difficulties and learning how to set goals ”.

occasionally there is some resistance from health professionals in the use of these computer systems because they involve a learning process and a time of prior commitment. However, they offer a wide range of possibilities for the treatment of the patient, with very specific data, structured in tables and graphs. In addition, electronic notebooks allow information traveling over the Internet, making possible the integration of telemedicine.