spirits sector signed the first great social pact for the prevention of the consumption of alcohol in juvenile

-The Spanish Federation of Espirituosas drinks (PHOEBE) and Alcohol Foundation and society (FAS) have initialled the agreement which aims to fight against the consumption of alcohol in children through institutional and social measures of a preventive nature

-promoted by the Ministry of health, political Social and equality, it is of the a manifesto that, for the first time integrates to all involved, from the various political groups to the producers and distributors of alcoholic beverages, passing by associations of parents and students, young people, doctors and other agencies.

Madrid, September of 2011. The Spanish Federation of Espirituosas drinks (PHOEBE) and Alcohol Foundation and society, created and financed by the sector itself, together with other associations and organizations, have signed an agreement promoted by the Ministry of health, Social Affairs and equality, the National Plan on drugs and Congreso-Senado Joint Commission to work jointly in the eradication of alcohol consumption in childrenfrom the development of strategies and preventive measures which pursue achieving zero consumption in this group.

Aware and involved in the growing concern about alcohol consumption by minors of age and health risks and social partners, the Minister of health, Social Affairs and equality, Leire Pajin, has today presided over the signing of this agreement which has counted with the support and participation of all actors involved in this taskboth parties politicians such as producers and distributors of beverages with alcoholic content, catering associations, organizations and unions.

In addition to the Ministry, the National Plan on drugs and the Congreso-Senado Joint Commission for the study of the drug problem, different associations and organizations have signed this manifesto: the Spanish Federation of spirits (PHOEBE), AESI, the Federation of wine cellars of the Marco de Jerez (Fedejerez), the Spanish Federation of hotel and cateringthe Association of large companies of distribution (ANGED), Proyecto Hombre, Red Cross, the Foundation for aid against the drug addiction (FAD), Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad (FAS), Athena and the Ibero-American network of organisations NGOs that work in drug addictions (RIOD), as well as trade unions.

Also support the agreement, CEAPA and CONCAPA parents associations, the Council of the Spain youth, alcoholics Rehabilitados of Spain Federation, the General Council of schools of social educators, the Spanish Association of Pediatrics in primary care and associations of consumers and of means of communication.

This agreement represents a major step in the prevention and the fight against alcohol consumption in children, both by its reach consensus and support that is born. The objective is to promote social and institutional initiatives that contribute to eradicating this phenomenon.

For Bosco Torremocha, Executive Director of the Spanish Federation of Espirituosas drinks (PHOEBE), is one of the great advances in the prevention and the fight against the consumption of alcohol in children in Spain. It is the largest social compact in this area in our country. have the total conviction that education-based preventative measures are the best way to reach out to children and prevent improper consumption ” and adds that youth who receive truthful and objective information about the effects on them of alcoholic beverages, they act more responsibly ”.

The Minister of health has pointed out that the alarming is not only the age on alcohol consumption, but that increasingly children consume more ”. In this regard has stated that it is important fight against a permissibility of society, which has dropped the guard in this area ”.

The spokesman of the PP in the Joint Commission for the study of the problem of drugs, Angel Pintado, yesterday stressed the importance of this agreement for the involvement of sectors such as the producers, distributors and vendors of alcoholic beverages, next to the field of education, among others. The PP is not prohibition. We must promote measures so that, in a responsible manner, society as a whole is involved in his set. ”

through the signing of this agreement, PHOEBE is committed to supporting and promoting the Decalogue of objectives of the said, many of which already had been encouraging through its intense work on social responsibility:

1. Avoid any advertising or marketing it directly linked the consumption of alcoholic beverages with social or sexual success with the improvement of physical performance or which specifically induces the consumption of alcohol by minors or gives a negative image of abstinence or sobriety, or stresses quality positive drink its alcohol content.

2 Involve the media, social networks and especially television media, regarding the appropriateness of information on the damage of the consumption of alcohol by a minor and establish control measures to avoid that the advertising and promotion is directed to minorsin the media or spaces aimed at this audience.

3 Provide resources to families and social environments of the child to increase the perception of the risk associated with the consumption of alcohol by minors.

4 Encourage self-regulation in this area between producers, distributors and the issuers of alcoholic beverages.

5. Developing public education and prevention campaigns focused on avoiding the consumption of alcohol by a minor, detecting risk factors and enhancing the factors of protection.

6 Education in health habits and report properly, from all sectors, with special incidence sanitary and educational public authorities, from an early age, on the consequences inherent in the consumption of alcohol in children.

7 Design with agents and social educators social drinking alcohol prevention programmes in children in the school environment.

8. Develop healthy living habits and the practice of sport, as well as creative and artistic activities. Promote and advertise the public offer of leisure activities for minors (mostly sports and cultural) alternatives to the consumption of alcohol in the collective.

9 Cooperation between all the actors involved to promote responsibility and prevent illegal marketing practices to children.

10. Design strategies and work plans in order to establish the zero of underage alcohol consumption.

what about PHOEBE?

The Spanish Federation of spirits, created in 1999, brings together more than 120 Spanish manufacturers and distributors of alcohol from the distillation of agricultural raw materials. Represents nearly 100% of the sector in Spain. PHOEBE is the expression of the unity of the sector, immersed in two major challenges:

-commitment to quality and innovation in an increasingly demanding market

-CSR active in the industry, which should combine the legitimate sector development in the fight against drug abuse of products containing alcoholic.

Spirits are alcoholic beverages distilled from agricultural raw materials (grapes, sugarcane, cereals, beet, fruit, etc.). The main spirits which are traditionally produced in Spain are brandy, whisky, rum, Geneva, liqueurs, brandies and Marc.