the telegerontología will make it possible to have the doctor at home and saving in health costs

El Professor José Millán Calenti, Professor of Gerontology and Geriatrics, and director of the research group, gerontology of the UDC, put the finishing touch to the FEIMESA Conference of medicine and health

-other DE LAS papers exclusive was the DE MIGUEL ÁNGEL QUINTELADIERCTOR of the unity of breast of the CNIO, QUE HABLÓ QUE LOS advances in research for classifying different types of cancer of breast and improve LA therapy

A Coruña, October 2011.- the last day of FEIMESA, dedicated to disability, dependency and higher, unveiled what would be the closest thing to having a doctor at home: the Telegerontología, a resource pioneer new technologies that would serve as a home-based support for people-based elderly or dependent. It is a world novelty within public health developed by the team of r & d of the La Coruña Professor Millán Calenti, who introduced him exclusively in the framework of the exhibition of medicine and health, which took place in A Coruña.

It is a 100 by 100 gallego is in pilot phase although it is planned to start marketing in January 2012. The Diputación de A Coruña is planning its next deployment in 83 municipalities in the province and currently runs the civic centers of Coruña.

The Telegerontología enables videoconferencing with doctors and health, is they can exercise as training memory for older people, avoid unnecessary journeys to health centres, representing a saving of the health system. It is framed in the e-health and has many other applications are still in study. On the other hand, it is also in talks with ophthalmologists, that the system could allow, for example, in case of suffering falls, conduct the checkup by videoconference.

Selection of patients for breast cancer

Miguel Ángel Quintela, director of the breast unit of the National Center for cancer research (CNIO), also appeared in the last of the days of FEIMESA with a presentation on breast cancer research. He stressed the advances of recent years when it comes to the therapeutic customization to treat the sick of breast cancer by groups. Until the date and for about 7 years three types can be distinguished: the affected need not hormonal treatment, those who do not receive chemotherapy and those of the type Her+2, which obtained a specific therapy. Thus we can determine the most beneficial treatment.

Cancer is a heterogeneous disease, but in the 1980s was in the same way to everyone, and if all they were given chemotherapy, the results were not the best for all. That is why, as pointed out Quintela, maybe only benefited from treatment by 30% ”. We must also take into account the cost, that breast cancer patients may have a spending on drugs between 6,000 to 8,000 euros per month, a medication that sometimes only works in one of every four sick.

And always prevention: Spain are detected annually 20,000 cases of breast cancer which 17,000 are diagnosed through a mammogram, annual compulsory from the age of 50 ”. This allows to locate tumors, which are best dealt with with metastasis. For the Board of the CNIO, it must continue to invest in research to get to know better the subtypes. Now three types are already known, but it could become a new classification with other subgroups.

Three days have passed by FEIMESA more than 50 experts, scientists and researchers, both Spaniards and foreigners, some of them world specialists in their field, presenting news and medical breakthroughs in exclusive.

Each day is devoted to a topical subject: sustainability of the health system in Spain ”, research, technology and training ” and disabilities, dependency and older ”. Also addressed hot topics such as the cost savings in the health system, the professional intrusion, access to medicines in countries of the third world or the sudden death in the sport.

On the other hand, the audience has been able to make free health checkups, vision tips, oral and auditory, and participate in Raffles for stays in spas, among others.