la UAB will deepen in the study of the effects of olive oil in the prevention of the breast cancer

Barcelona, December 2009.- Ana Ripoll and Pedro cheap, Rector of the UAB and President of the inter-professional organisation Spanish olive oil, respectively, have signed a research agreement to deepen in the study of the effects of the consumption of olive oil in the prevention and the fight against breast cancer. The multidisciplinary group for the study of the cancer of breast (GMECM), directed by Dr. Eduard Escrich, Professor in the Department of cell biology, Physiology and Immunology, will carry out the investigation, which has a period of five years. The GMECM has demonstrated in previous research that a moderate intake of olive oil slows down the progression of cancer.

The research of the GMECM aim to determine possible activity of normal components of human consumption, for formulating scientific opinions in relation to the health of the population or at risk of disease, framing in the field of the prevention of breast cancer. Among the results obtained so far, is the fact of having demonstrated that a moderate intake of olive oil slows down the progression of this cancer, by the action of mechanisms that counteract the possible effect of harmful fats, while over-consumption of seed oil is detrimental.

In research that will begin next year, the researchers deepen in the study of the effects of olive oil in relation to this type of cancer, with experimental studies and samples and human cell lines. Investigations carried out include a study on the effects of the fats from the diet in breast tumors, and in particular of extra virgin olive oil, and an analysis of the molecular changes that occur in these tumors in the genome and genes involved in this pathology.

The agreement signed between the UAB and the interprofessional organisation of olive Spanish oil is expected to be inserted inside an agreement framework of collaboration between the two previous entities and the departments of agriculture, food and Rural Action, and health of the Generalitat of Catalonia. The GMECM thus receives the support of another entity of the olive oil sector, consolidating institutional recognition to research carried out for years about the effects of the consumption of olive oil in the health and, more specifically, in the prevention and fight against breast cancer. Recently, he has received support from entities such as the Ministry of education and science, the Generalitat of Catalonia, the communal Olivarero Heritage Foundation and the Agency for the olive oil of the Ministry of environment Ambiento and Rural and marine affairs.

The research task of the GMECM made him champion of several awards in recent years, which include awards from the Academy of medical sciences and health of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, the Spanish society of Senology and breast pathology and those granted recently to Dr. Escrich: International of the Santiago Dexeus Font Foundation Award for his professional career in the field of research in Mammalogy, Picudo Prize for his research on the olive oil and health and national prize for nutrition FECOES for his contribution to the study of the effects of nutrition on breast cancer. Dr. Escrich has also distinguished himself as a member of the brotherhood Virgin Mary of the olive tree of the Basilica Santa María del Mar of Barcelona.