la Universidad de Oviedo tackles this week aging and cell death

the Aragonese expert, Teresa Martínez deepen on active ageing in the course:

aging and cell death: approaches to basic and clinical perspectives ”

Oviedo, 2011-July Monday 18th on the Campus of the Cristo-B. Medicine of the University of Oviedo has begun the course directed by the Professor of cell biology, Ana María Coto Montes, aging and cell death: approaches to basic and clinical perspectives ”, involving a staff of recognized experts as. Specifically, next Friday, July 22, will make the relevant expert in social gerontology and speech therapy psychologist, Teresa Martínez Rodríguez forming two hours to students and graduates in Sciences biosanitary on active ageing.

Course has as objectives.

Transmit to the University community advances in research in the field of ageing, from a multidisciplinary point of view, through the collaboration of researchers from different scientific areas that provide the knowledge and latest techniques. It is that students are aware of mechanisms and cellular and tissue level changes that give rise to ageing and subsequent cell death

the socio-economic and health importance resulting from the ageing is reaching levels of extreme importance, given the large increase of long-lived people. The scientific and University community are responding to this growing interest, increase their research and studies in this field. However, few studies aimed at seeking a multidisciplinary vision of aging. Above all pays little attention to the major differences between the characteristics of a healthy young person and a person healthy adult or older.

Delivery dates: 18 to July 22, 2011


directed by:

Ana María Coto Montes. University of Oviedo.

Source: = 2010 & IdPrograma = 7084

brief summary Teresa Martínez Rodríguez

social gerontology expert psychologist. He currently works in the service of quality and inspection of the Ministry of Social Welfare of the Principality of Asturias.

He began his professional career in the direct care and worked for 12 years in a residence and day for elderly people specialized in public ownership Alzheimer Center. 10 Years he has held technical and policy positions in the Ministry of Social Welfare of the Principality of Asturias. He was head of planning services for older people and people with disability and later Director General of planning and quality.

Author of publications and scientific articles in the field of social gerontology and disability. Speaker at national and international congresses. He has collaborated in postgraduate courses and masters degrees in social gerontology at different Spanish universities and various projects of regional governments. He has worked also as a teacher and consultant in Latin America, with the IMSERSO, the Autonomous University of Madrid, with the AECI (Spanish Agency of cooperation with Latin America for development) and with the CEPAL (United Nations).

Note the following publications related to the curso:

Active ageing and social participation, new challenges for social centres for older people (2006) on: social centres for elderly as spaces for the promotion of active ageing and social participation.) Department of housing and Social Welfare. Principado de Asturias

for older people with dependency day centres. Cognitive stimulation: Guide and materials for the intervention.

Day care for elderly centres. Attention to situations of fragility and dependence. Madrid: Editorial Médica-Panamericana.

The gerontology attention focused on the person. Guide for facilities professionals and care services to older persons in situations of fragility or dependence (2011). Vitoria-Gasteiz: Department of employment and Social Affairs. Basque Government.

Train memory, intervene in reminiscences (2011). Madrid: Médica-Panamericana. In press.

Author of memory for people older. Workshop, document with increased number of downloads on the portal of elders of the IMSERSO in the period (2002-2010).

Is also the author of articles and reports such as:

The psychosocial intervention in contexts rural families of older people in situation of dependency ”. IN: Portal enclave IMSERSO

the development of new services of proximity for the care of older persons living in rural areas ”. IN: In: Portal enclave IMSERSO

best practices in caring for elderly people in a situation of dependency ”. Reports Portal major, no. 98.

Design and implementation of programmes of psychosocial intervention on residences for elderly people (2009) in: psychology of aging. Applied psychogerontology. Dir: Fernández Ballesteros. Ed. synthesis.

Martínez T, Rodriguez P, Díaz B, Elizalde S, wheat C. (2006) active retirement: demands, needs and interests of the prejubiladas people of the Asturian mining. Spanish journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology.

Martínez T. breaking distances, a programme for the integral care of older persons living in rural contexts. In: Home care services: the unit at home. Area of government employment and services the citizenship Council of Madrid, 2006, Madrid. 191-211

Cuetos F, T. Martinez, Martinez C, Izuran C and Ellis AW. (2003). Lexical processing in spanish patients with probable Alzheimer’s disease ’ s disease. Cognitive brain research, 17, 549-561.

Fernández S, churches MT, Elizalde MJ, Martinez MT, Rodríguez p. evaluation of experiences integrating in the process of ageing of persons with disabilities. Classroom open no. 86