El Hospital Virgen of the victory of Malaga investigates a new and revolutionary treatment for sleep apnea.

-DRA. Mercedes Martín Romero, responsible for the unit of respiratory disorders of sleep in Hospital Universitario Virgen of the victory of Malaga, presents the results of the first clinical study Orthoapnea

– according to the results, the device of mandibular advancement Orthoapnea is the best alternative for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea, with significant advantages over the traditional CPAP

Spain, August 2012.. Mercedes Martín Romero, responsible for the unit of respiratory disorders of sleep in Hospital Universitario Virgen of the victory of Malaga, participates in the X World Congress on Sleep Apnea, Sleep Respiratory Disorders and Snoring that welcomes Rome on 27 August and 1 September. During the Congress presents the first results of the “Study clinical Orthoapnea in patients with syndrome of Apnea hypopnea in subjects with SHAHS leve-moderado” conducted in collaboration with the University of Malaga and laboratory Ortoplus.

El estudio ha sido realizado a pacientes con Síndrome de Apnea del Sueño leve-moderado a los que se les aplicó un protocolo de seguimiento mientras utilizaban el tratamiento Orthoapnea. The objective of the study is to determine the efficacy of intraoral devices in the treatment of the sleep apnea without having to resort to other invasive treatments or uncomfortable for the patient. The treatment of study consists of an intraoral device that allows more open airway helping to breathe easier and eliminating the snoring of the patient. The results indicate that it is the best alternative to other treatments as the traditional CPAP.

El estudio, realizado en colaboración con la Universidad de Málaga, se está elaborando además a nivel internacional en Inglaterra, Italia, Holanda y Australia de la mano de profesionales como el Dr. Roy Dookun (Presidente de The British Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine); Dr. José Ceballos (Member academic of the Sociedad Española de Ortodoncia, SEDO) and Vice President of the Spanish Association of Oral sleep medicine (SEMODS). In addition, Dr. Ramesh Balasubramaniam, Dr. Franco Sacchi and Dr. Bas j. Njio collaborate among others.