(www.neomundo.com.ar)-_Hace_tiempo_se_sospecha_que_el_trastorno_por_déficit_de_atención_e_hiperactividad_(TDAH) is over-diagnosed in boys, but now an investigation found evidence supporting this hypothesis.


Los psychologists Silvia Schneider and Jürgen Margraf of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany) and Katrin Bruchmüller of the University of Basel (Switzerland) conducted a research which shows how psychologists and psychiatrists who made diagnoses are based on unclear rather than adhere to the established medical approach rules.

Specialists, which published its findings in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Journal, claim that over-diagnosis is more common in boys than in girls.

Schneider and Bruchmüller put much emphasis on highlighting what they qualify as “little research designed to elucidate the effectiveness of diagnosis” of ADHD. ″A despite the strong interest public, only a few empirical studies focused on this tema″, they claim. In their new research, they worked with 473 psychologists or psychiatrists, among other things, involved to diagnose possible ADHD cases.

Specialists put together four cases for volunteers diagnosticaran. In one case was fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for diagnosing TDHA but the rest not, and participants were aware of the sex of the patient. Schneider, Margraf and Bruchmüller noted that psychologists and psychiatrists diagnosed with many cases of this pathology when it did not meet the criterion, and this error was much more common with male patients.

According to Schneider, Margraf and Bruchmüller, many of the volunteers based his diagnosis on typical symptoms such as inability to stand still too long, the lack of concentration and impulsiveness. When a man had these features were likely for practitioners to say he had ADHD, even though it does not comply with other diagnostic criteria.

The specialists assert that to avoid these serious mistakes the psychologists and psychiatrists should follow established criteria, rather than their intuition.

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