No matter how old we have, many people want to lose weight and maintain great. But there are many that ensure that weight loss becomes a very difficult feat when we arrived at an age higher than the 40. And for this reason many people have been frustrated in his attempt to lose weight with exercise routines and changes in your diet.

However, it is good to be patient and try to follow the following tips to lose weight, even after the 40 years.

Tips for the loss of weight in women over 40

• It is important to establish a first objective. how much weight should I lose? And for this, the best thing is to be done is calculate mass index body.

• Must find the ideal range for the height of the individual and their gender. Mark the goal of lost pounds. Set us a date limit, but always being more realistic. Cannot be expected to lose 5 pounds in a week

• Create an exercise and diet plan. If possible, seek the help of professionals to ensure that these plans of diet and exercise are safe and effective.

• Discipline is the key to achieving a proper weight. We must adhere to a diet and some exercise routines. Cake of chocolate after meals extra portions should be avoided.

• Drink much water.