The Sun is the great enemy to the departure of stains in our skin and worse still in our faces. Sunspots usually appear due to overexposure to the Sun, giving a ring of darker than your skin tone

, However, hit a series of tips and tricks that we can use to avoid treating these stains.

Protects your skin against the Sun, with a good sunscreen depending on your type of skin. Applies a special for the face

If there are many spots, you can use a full screen saver so that they do not exacerbate.

You get no creams that take time open, since that could be obsolete and worsen the State of your skin.

Not to put Cologne or perfume before sunbathing, avoids that they appear more spots.

Don’t drink the Sun in hours where there is more risk and is more strong.

Once the Sun has taken a neutral SOAP should be used to moisturize the skin. Then applies an after sun, which has a calming effect and moisturising.

Uses specific products to remove stains of the skin, which achieved equality of pigmentation of the skin.

Aesthetic the dermabrasion or laser methods which have an effect before shocking the stain, always in the hands professionals.

Apart from that, a healthy diet, plenty of water and few toxins, prevent the appearance of stains on the skin.